Husband Finds Wife Napping With Their Son, But He Knows EXACTLY What She's Hiding
Nov 19, 2015 by apost team
Bobby lives with his Rayena and their son in Gardendale, Alabama. Rayena is a trauma nurse by profession. Rayena dedicates herself to raising their son and helping save the lives of others. She gives herself wholeheartedly to her job and family. But her husband Bobby knows a little secret about his wife. He knows that she is exhausted and overworked. Bobby shared a letter that he wrote to his wife that is currently viral on the Internet. One day she walked into his bedroom and saw his wife taking a quick nap with their son. She was cuddling with their son but had to head out soon for a shift. This husband's message moved me to tears...

“This is my wife taking a nap. In an hour she will wake up, put on her scrubs and get ready for work.
The tools and items she needs to perform her job will be gathered and checked meticulously – her hair and makeup will be done quickly. She will complain that she looks awful. I will disagree, emphatically, and get her a cup of coffee.
She will sit on the couch with her legs crossed under her and try to drink it while happily playing with the toddler that’s crawling all over her.”

“She will occasionally stare off blankly as we talk; silently steeling herself for the coming shift. She thinks I don’t notice.
She will kiss the baby, she will kiss me and she will leave to go take care of people that are having the worst day of their entire lives. Car wrecks, gunshot wounds, explosions, burns and breaks – professionals, poor, pastors, addicts and prostitutes – mothers, fathers, sons, daughters and families – it doesn’t matter who you are or what happened to you.”

“She will take care of you.
She will come home 14 hours later and remove shoes that have walked through blood, bile, tears and fire from aching feet and leave them outside. Sometimes she will not want to talk about it. Sometimes she can’t wait to talk about it.”

“Sometimes she will laugh until she cries and sometimes she will just cry – but regardless of those sometimes she will be on time for her next shift.
My wife is a nurse. My wife is a hero.”
This husband is has so much love for his wife, but more importantly he has a lot of respect and is very proud of her. We can all learn a thing or two from this man. Do you agree? Then please SHARE this post with your friends and family.