How You Can Combat Bad Breath

Dec 27, 2018 by apost team

Statistics vary when it comes to bad breath, some claiming that 50 or 60% of the world's population suffer from different levels of bad breath. You might be taking care of your oral hygiene, but sometimes bad breath can happen at the worst time and might even ruin a meeting or a date.

Not having any gum on hand might make the situation even more dramatic, but thankfully there are a number of effective ways to get rid of bad breath quickly.

Bad breath appears for many reasons, and in some cases it can be made worse as a result of bad habits. If you suffer from this issue then you might want to focus a little bit more on the hygiene of your mouth and tongue, and also think about your diet, which has a deep impact on breath.

The most common reasons for bad breath are smoking as well as alcohol, foods that are rich in sulfur, anxiety and stress, oral infections, mouth microbiome, gum disease, or tooth decay. If gum disease or cavities are present then you should have them treated, because you might solve the bad breath issue but the underlying problem will remain.

What can you do?

Brushing your teeth will help, some studies show that tongue cleaning can also decrease the smell, flossing could be also useful, but what do you do when you don't have a toothbrush with you and you need to get rid of the smell quickly? First of all, start drinking water. This is especially true if you have a dry mouth.

The bacteria in your mouth releases the foul gas, and saliva prevents this release. The more hydrated you are the less of a bad breath you have.

Try some natural remedies

If possible, try chewing herbs, such as basil, mint, or parsley. This is a short-lived fix, but it's very effective. It will not clean your teeth, so you will have to be aware of that, but it will get rid of the bad breath. Apples and lemons are also helpful. Apples have oxidized polyphenols that help with neutralizing of the bad smell in your mouth.

You might want to consider taking an apple with you when you get out of the house, as the texture will also help clean your teeth. Lemons kill the bacteria that could be producing the bad smell. Sucking on a slice of lemon or squeezing it in a glass of water will do the trick. This is also helpful after eating onions or garlic.

Last but not least, take some breath gel with you when you leave the house. If bad breath is a constant issue for you, then having some breath gel in your pocket will save you from constantly worrying about it. This is also a good fix for people who have joint/muscle problems and can't chew gum, or simply if you're not a fan of chewing gum.

If you have other quick fixes for bad breath, let us know in the comment section below. You can also send this article to people who you know struggle with this nagging issue.

What did you think of these natural ways to combat bad breath? Have you tried any of them out? Do you have any other tips to share with us? Let us know - and pass this on to your friends and family! 

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!