How To Walk Away From A Relationship Even If It's Hard

Nov 27, 2018 by apost team

We have all gotten into relationships that simply aren’t the best for us. A relationship that we know isn’t right and may only hurt us in the long run. Yet, we keep trying. We keep trying because we want to believe that the person we are with is going to try as hard as we are. We believe that they will love us and want to change for the better. We don’t want to give up on someone we have put so much time into.

You don’t want to walk away and give up all that hard work. We understand why! You may have put months or years into this relationship. You spent so much time trying to make it right. You have put so much aside in order to make your significant other happy. You have sacrificed so much - of course, you don’t want to give up now.

But you have to. We are here to tell you how you can do that.

Stop trying.

You have to realize that when you are the one doing all of the initiating and trying, it really isn’t worth the effort. So stop. Stop running after this person. Stop giving yourself to them when you don’t get anything in return. Stop and look deep within yourself and ask if you are happy. Ask yourself why it is so hard. Ask yourself why you want to settle for someone who really isn’t that into you.

You have to stop making excuses for this person. You have been way too understanding during the whole relationship concerning the excuses and red flags. You chose to ignore the poor communication and lack of effort that this person gave you. You didn’t want to admit that you made a poor decision. You truly believed that this one was going to be different. You thought that you were capable of making a better decision and it hurts to admit how wrong you really were.

Begin to forget.

Now that you have done all of that, it is time to start forgetting about them. You can’t walk away from someone when there is so much around you that reminds you of them.

Be strong and start erasing their existence from your memory. You have to start by deleting their texts and phone number. You can’t go back and re-read what they have written to you and worry about it. Delete all of their pictures so you have nothing to reminisce over. You have to act as though they never existed in the first place. You will also have to unfollow them from every type of social media. Sure, this is a hard step. But how are you going to walk away from someone when you can track their every move online? It is time to forget them. Forget all of the lies that they told you. Forget any potential that you saw in them. Force yourself to forget even the good things about them. Remember, the good times certainly do not outweigh all of the bad ones.

Remember yourself.

You need to remember the person you were before they ever entered your life. You were fine before you met them. Remember that happy person and remind yourself that you can be that person again. You CAN move on and be a better person without them in your life. You should focus on the bigger things that are happening now that you have walked away. You have a lot to look forward to, such as trips and family and friends. Your whole life is ahead of you. You have all kinds of time to meet your one true soulmate. You have to remember that you are deserving of love, too. Just because one person could not love you the way you wanted doesn’t mean that there won’t be others who can and will.

Leave it to the universe.

Once you have gone through these steps, it is time to leave it up to God or the universe. It is out of your hands. You have to move on and not worry about what they are going to do. You’ll either get back together with them when they come crawling back, or you will move on and find a person who is so much better. Whatever happens, it isn’t up to you anymore. Don’t keep worrying about the “what-ifs” of the situation. Don’t wait around hoping they will change and come back to you.

Just let it go and work on being a better person. You did everything that you could during your time together. Let the universe take over and wait for all of the exciting things it has in store for you. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to walk away from someone? Or are you trying to let someone go right now? Tell us your story in the comments and don't forget to pass this on if you know someone who needs to read this.