How America's Oldest Nurse Celebrates Her 92nd Birthday

May 08, 2019 by apost team

There is a common path in life that most people follow. After attending school for many years, people are encouraged to find a long-term job which they hold until retirement.

Ideally, we're able to find studies and careers that fill us with purpose and pride.

Unfortunately, this isn't always the case. There are some instances when people can't stand their careers. Every day is a drag and retirement can't come soon enough.

On the other end of the spectrum, there are some people who can't wait to return to work each morning.

Having a steady position certainly keeps people from feeling lonely or isolated. With a job, people have the opportunity to learn new skills and develop their abilities.

Florence Rigney, also known as SeeSee, is a registered nurse at the Tacoma General Hospital.

Despite being in her early 90s, SeeSee loves everything about her career. This inspirational woman has managed to reach the impressive age of 92, but she has also remained sharp enough to keep a steady job.

Perhaps it's her time spent working in the hospital that is helping to keep Florence young. SeeSee first started working at the hospital in 1946. Fortunately, she has been able to take many breaks during her long tenure at the hospital.

When she adopted her first child with her husband in 1958, Florence only worked part-time to care for the baby. In 1997, Florence's husband tragically passed away. She decided to return to work on a full-time basis until she retired at 67-years-old.

Retirement didn't last long for this caring soul, though. After only five months, Florence had a desire to return to work. She missed helping patients, seeing her coworkers, and having a meaningful job.

Although Florence had reached the conventional age for retirement, she simply missed too many aspects of her work.

Nurses have the unique ability to help people on a daily basis. This rewarding work also helps to keep Florence sharp and witty. She is constantly learning new things. Many of Florence's coworkers take a lot of pride and satisfaction in watching her work.

Despite her age, SeeSee is able to run circles around most of her coworkers. In fact, the 92-year-old walks over 2 miles during each shift, according to her Fitbit.

Do you find this story inspiring too? Do you know somebody who loves their job so much that they would still love to do it at Florence's age? Tell us about it in the comments and make sure to show the story to a family member or friend.