Horse Reunites With Old Friend After 4 Years, Even Owner Is Caught Off Guard By Their Reactions

Mar 20, 2019 by apost team

If you thought that human beings were the only ones capable of making longtime friends, you thought wrong because horses can also do that. A horse keeper, Sue Blagburn, was shocked after she brought a horse that she had sold back to the stable four years later. She was surprised that the horses could remember the old one.

Sue raised three horses and watched them grow in Mustons Field, England. The horses are named William, Arthur, and Harry.

However, as life would have it, Sue decided to go into a different career and had to sell Arthur. Sue was left with William and Harry. She traveled around England with them while Arthur went on to become a competition horse.

Over time, Sue's business began to gain momentum, and she added other ponies to her collection. However, she felt like something or someone was missing. As she was doing her cross country business travels, she happened to be in East Sussex at the same time Arthur was there with his owners.

She grabbed the opportunity and decided to buy back her long lost stallion.

As Sue took Arthur back to the stables to be reunited with his old buddies, she never expected the reaction she saw. It was one of the most heartwarming sights.

William and Harry immediately recognized Arthur and rushed to greet him. The animals rubbed their heads together for a few minutes as a sign of affection.

After that, the animals jogged around the field in perfect harmony and synchronization. It was as if they had never been apart for four years. The celebration wasn't over. William, Harry, and Arthur celebrated their reunion by rolling on the ground.

They were like little puppies. It was such an odd behavior to see in a big animal. I guess that's what love does to everyone.

Sue runs a charitable campaign known as Adventures with Horses with her three main stallions. The horses are used for therapeutic causes.

Sue helps people dealing with stress or anxiety overcome such troubles by taking a long ride on one of her horses. The organization mostly focuses on disadvantaged minors.

Tell us what you think about this amazing story of horses being able to remember one another after a long time apart and don't forget to pass this along to your friends and family to see what they think!