Home Free's New Cover Of Classic Christmas Carol Shot In An Empty Church, Is Heart-Stirring

Dec 17, 2018 by apost team

When six men start singing in a church, the entire audience gets chills because of their beautiful voices that blend together to deliver a classic Christmas carol.

Home Free is known for their a cappella arrangements. Although they haven't been as active as they used to be, they recently came back into the spotlight by singing at a church, recording the song so that it could be shared with others online.

The song, "Angels We Have Heard On High," is a carol that is often heard in churches during the holiday season. Since it's only the men in the church, their voices echo beautifully off the walls. They sing the song with eloquent harmony and festivity. You can tell that they enjoy this time of the year as their voices almost ring like bells.


One of the things about the group is that they don't use a lot of digital equipment or instruments when they perform. They want to let their voices shine while they are singing. When you hear the song that they perform, you can be sure that the holiday is coming up quickly and that more songs like this will be sung in churches and on stages across the country.

Chris and Adam Rupp wanted to be musicians when they started singing in their home. When they saw that people enjoyed their songs, they knew that they had to add more members to the group, which is when Home Free started. There is a blend of country style and gospel in the voices of this group of men who have become a shining star online.

Listen to these angelic voices echoing beautifully inside a church to kick off the holiday season. Don't forget to pass it onto others so they can also enjoy a classic Christmas carol with a twist!