Heroic Dog Sees Baby Deer Drowning And Jumps Into Harbor To Rescue Her

Nov 27, 2019 by apost team

Recently, at Port Jefferson Harbor in New York, a dog became a hero when he rescued a baby deer that had somehow ended up in the harbor. The dog is a Golden Retriever named Storm. On that day, he was enjoying a walk with Erica Kutzing and Mark Freeley when he noticed a fawn in the water.

Storm didn't hesitate to jump in and swim to the fawn. He got hold of her by the scruff of her neck and swam back to shore with her. Mark recorded the rescue on video and uploaded it to social media. He remarked to The New York Times about what a great morning it was that he got to watch his beloved companion perform such an act of heroism.


As soon as the fawn was safely back on shore, Mark got in touch with Strong Island Animal Rescue League for further assistance. Shortly afterward, Frankie Floridia, who runs the organization, arrived at the scene. Frankie was just in time to witness the fawn in a disoriented state as she headed back into the harbor, putting herself in danger once again.

Erica was speaking on the phone with the rescuer to get updates about the fawn's predicament. Frankie stated with urgency that the fawn was drowning again, and he had to hang up and go after her. When Frankie returned to shore with the little fawn, he noticed that the young deer had an eye injury.

Her eye had ticks attached to it, and she had been hurt during the strain of struggling in the water. The rescuers loaded the fawn into a vehicle and drove her to a wildlife rehabilitation facility. The fawn received treatment and has a good chance of recovering well enough to go back into the wild.

It is still not known why the fawn went to the harbor or where her mother is. She is only alive today because of the heroism of the dog and the prompt response of the rescue organization. The Strong Island Rescue League praised the actions of the dog and his two human caretakers. They noted that the successful rescue was only possible because of the team effort of the dog and all of the people at the scene.

Do you think your dog would rush out into the water to save a drowning deer? Let us know in the comments, and send links to the story for your friends and family on social media.