Hero Lyft Driver Calls Mom At 3AM, Tells Her To ‘Bring A Blanket’ For Baby He Found In Freezing Cold

Feb 02, 2019 by apost team

What does it mean to be a hero? Is it about doing things that are dangerous? Is it about standing up for vulnerable individuals? Is it about speaking out against injustice? Is it a combination of all that and more?

No matter what your definition of the word is, it would be very hard to argue that the Lyft driver in this story is anything less than a hero.

On a frosty trip home from driving for the ride-sharing service, at 3 A.M., Ashton Mazyck of Worcester, Mass. noticed something unusual outside. A small child, only two years old, was outside in the unbearable elements.

What's more, she didn't have any means of warmth, lacking a coat or even a pair of socks to cover her feet, which were further harmed by making contact with the rough ice as well as the salt that had been laid down.


She was visibly upset, as anyone in her situation would be. Mazyck was heartbroken by seeing a small child in such a tragic situation. He knew that he couldn't just go home and try to shake this off.

Mazyck approached the girl and brought her into his car, making sure that she was comfortable. Upon arriving home, he instructed his mother to retrieve a blanket. The two of them worked to bring as much warmth to her as possible.

The fact that this young girl had to experience such trauma is absolutely terrible. But the existence of people like Mazyck and his mother can remind us that there is still hope in the world. It comes in the form of people who refuse to stand by and see neglect as the norm.

When we let the most vulnerable members of society be mistreated, we let evil win. The only way to fight evil is with goodness.

What do you think of this Lyft driver's good deed? What would you do if you were in his situation? Show this to your friends and family to give them a little inspiration today!