Hero Garbage Man Saves Life Of Dog Trapped In Canal–Dog Gives Him Warmest Thanks

Jun 16, 2020 by apost team

Imagine driving along a desolate road and seeing a dog stuck in a canal, struggling to swim in the current? What would you do? If you are like Said Zarate, you would take action to save the dog's life.

An Ordinary Day Turns Extraordinary

Zarate, a garbageman in Mexico was on his route with a colleague in a rural agricultural area when he happened to look at a nearby canal and noticed movement. Once he realized that the movement was a dog, thrashing in the water of the canal, attempting to stay afloat, he had his colleague stop their truck and immediately jumped into action. Zarate immediately grabbed an empty sack for the dog to hold onto and ran to his aid.

Unfortunately, the pup was exhausted from fighting the current in the canal to stay afloat and couldn't manage to stay on the sack for Zarate to pull him to safety. Zarate wasn't ready to give up on the rescue mission, though. He was able to run ahead of the dog down the canal as the dog was pulled downstream and lie on his stomach and lured the dog to swim into his direction. Zarate reached into the water and pulled the dog out to safety.


His Efforts Were Greatly Appreciated

The relief on the dog's face was obvious. As Zarate sat up to examine the pup, the dog shook off the water and rushed over to Zarate and jumped into his arms, attempting to lick his neck and face in gratitude. Caught off guard, Zarate held the dog and laughed. This was a heartwarming moment between a dog and his rescuer. It goes to show that you don't have to be a superhero to make a difference. This garbageman took time out of his busy day and it was very definitely appreciated by this little guy and his family.

A Dog with a Story to Tell

Zarate noted that the dog was healthy and well-cared for and that he likely came from a good home. In rural areas, accidents happen, but fortunately for the dog, Zarate and his partner just happened to drive by at the right time. After the dog spent time with his rescuers, he happily ran off to go back home to his family.

He was happy, healthy, and safe. As it turns out, the pup lived on a nearby ranch. The owner saw his rescue online and contacted Zarate to express his gratitude for saving his beloved companion's life. Zarate was just thankful that he was able to step in and save the dog's life.

Heroes like Zarate are everywhere. Thankfully, this inspiring rescue was captured on film and will hopefully make you smile and inspire you to take action when needed. Be sure to share this heartwarming video with your friends to brighten their day and inspire them to go the extra mile.