Here's What To Do When The Person You Love Doesn't Love You Back, According To Experts

Nov 27, 2018 by apost team

We've all been there. Dealing with the aftermath of unrequited love is never easy. There will be tears, lonely nights, and the end of a dream we hoped would be real.

Despite our best intentions and even with our most earnest appeals, sometimes the person we love won't feel the same. Even among friends and people that claim to care about us, rejection happens.

But what do we do after the object of our affection denies us? Do we wade in a sea of self-pity? Do we try to get them to change their mind?

First, it helps to understand what exactly happens to the human heart when it experiences rejection.

After being rejected, expect to feel:

  • Sadness
  • Emotional distress
  • Inadequacy
  • Anger
  • Revenge

It's normal to feel sadness after being rejected by someone you care about. According to relationship experts, having an emotional connection to a situation makes it more difficult to disconnect yourself from negative thoughts and feelings.

Oftentimes, this negativity affects how we view ourselves. We often choose to take comfort in self-pity, convincing ourselves that we weren't good enough to be loved back.

These feelings of inadequacy can make us feel like we will never find the right person or that we are completely unlovable.

This can then lead to anger and even the desire to get revenge. Instead of festering in these negative emotions, what should you do?

While your end goal should be to feel better about your love life and yourself, you need to make sure your mind, body, and spirit can properly heal from this rejection.

1. Understand rejection

You need to try to understand what it means to be rejected. Rejection isn't something that is unique to your life. Everyone faces rejection eventually. Even the most beautiful and incredible people have been rejected.

Oftentimes, rejection is simply one door closing so we can open the door to something better.

2. Your power comes from the way you react after rejection

Rejection is not the easiest thing to deal with. Even though rejection hurts in the moment, the way you act after you are rejected is what really matters.

While you may want to curl into a ball and nurse your broken heart, this isn't healthy in the long run. After a few days of indulging in your sadness, you need to get back to feeling better about yourself.

Spend time with friends and family doing things you enjoy. This will help you shift your mindset from being let down to being happy with life.

3. See rejection as a lesson

Don't just let rejection happen to you; learn from it. Everything in life happens for a reason. The reason for your rejection is to teach you one more life lesson.

Think about what you can take away from the experience that you've had with rejection. In the future, you can use what you've learned to make better choices.

4. Rejection is a sign you are doing well in life

A life without rejection isn't a life worth living. While you may imagine that life without the pain of rejection would be better, rejection is a sign that you are actually living life.

You try, you fail, you try again. As you keep living, you keep trying, and you'll eventually find what you're looking for.

5. Your approval is the only one that matters

While you may value others' opinions, yours is the one that matters most. You may want the acceptance of other people but you don't need it. Love yourself enough to know that the right person will find you as wonderful as you do.

When facing rejection, remember that you love you. That's all that matters.

As you prepare to feel sad about being rejected, consider this:

You are like a flower growing in a garden. Though someone may one day rip off your leaves or blooms, you will keep growing. Regardless of the situation, your roots are strong and will allow you to keep blooming.

Self-love truly is powerful! Do you have any stories about rejection? Leave your experience in a comment below and pass this article along to your friends and family - you never know who might need to read this right now.