Here Are The 12 Bad Habits That You Need To Quit Now

Dec 29, 2018 by apost team

Have you been so low-energy for so long that you've come to believe it's just part of being an adult? It's understandable if you came to that conclusion, especially if you've been observing other people and how lethargically they move and react. However, this isn't necessarily a matter of aging but of habits. If you want to re-energize yourself, you need to stop doing these 12 things.

1. A sedentary lifestyle

Being glued to the sofa might seem like it will re-energize you. However, it only leads to becoming conditioned to lethargy. You need to get up moving if you want to have energy. A bit of rest is fine, but it shouldn't be done more than necessary.

2. Spending irresponsibly

For financial security, you need to live below your means. People who are in credit card debt find themselves in those situations because they fail to realize how soon they'll owe money. As they try to budget in a way that will let them stay afloat, they end up becoming further stressed and exhausted. Remember to think before you spend and you'll be much happier as a result.

3. Isolating yourself

Not being around people on regular basis can have hugely damaging effects on your energy and health. Even if you're introverted, you still need at least some type of regular interaction in order to stay healthy. Isolation can make us feel lonely and unmotivated. To combat isolation, make a point of socializing as often as possible. If you aren't sure where to start, considering inviting work friends out or getting in touch with old classmates. There's so much to be gained from interacting with others on a regular basis.

4. Being a people-pleaser

People-pleasers have the idea that they need to answer to the whims of everyone around them in order to be a good person. While being agreeable is certainly a great virtue, it shouldn't come at the expense of your mental well-being. You need to learn to say no. People will learn to respect you, and you'll feel more energy as a result of your increased confidence.

5. Lingering resentment Daly

When someone slights you, it's totally understandable to feel angry. However, the longer you hold onto anger, the more you sabotage yourself. The grudge you hold becomes less about what happened and more about the compulsion to refuse to let go of the past. Forgive and, if possible, forget. It will be a huge burden off your shoulders.

6. Eating unhealthy

The chemicals in unhealthy junk foods are designed to make you have trouble getting away from them. The more you eat of them, the more you're deprived of healthy foods that have the effects your body craves. It turns out that you actually are what you eat. Therefore, you want to make sure you have a diet that's based in foods that bring out the best in you.

7. Social media addiction

What started off as a way to keep up with friends has turned into a way to feel grossly inferior to those around you. Social media causes people to compare themselves to their peers. You start to believe that everyone but you is having a rich and satisfying life. The reality is that people always want to convince others that their lives are going perfectly, but they're really just as insecure as everyone else.

8. Dwelling

Things aren't always going to go well in life. However, focusing on the negative doesn't turn it into positives. Think about how often you complain. Then, think about how much energy you have. There's likely a correlation between the two.

9. Getting stuck in a rut

If your days are all blurring together, it's going to be very difficult for you to feel any sort of enthusiasm. Letting life just pass you by means that you end up being a spectator instead of a participant. You only get one life, and you need to make the most of it.

10. Using your phone at night

When it's time to go to bed, the last thing you need is the mental and visual simulation of a cell phone. You can be expected to have energy in the morning if you're sapping yourself of all your energy at night. By putting your phone out of view when you go to bed, you can make your sleep routine all the better.

11. Not making time for yourself Ammentorp Lund

The person whose demands you need to answer to first and foremost is yourself. Life can get busy, but there should always be time that you can carve out for yourself. Give yourself activities like reading and creative expression that allow you to look at the world through a new lens.

12. Accepting mediocrity

It's hard to have energy when there's nothing in life to make you feel enthusiastic. When you're used to boredom, the idea of excitement can seem all but unfathomable. However, being content with dullness can only lead to problems as you don't have anything to get you out of bed in the morning. When you make a decision, ask yourself if you're doing it because it will have a net positive on your life or just because you can't think of any better option.

Did this help you realize how much energy you've been missing out on? Show this to any friends or family members who are looking to give a boost to their lives.