Helena Bonham Carter Opens Up About Sleeping Over At Windsor Castle And Contacting Princess Margaret's Spirit

Dec 04, 2019 by apost team

As one of the actresses in the hit Netflix drama "The Crown," Helena Bonham Carter has done more than just pretend she was surrounded by royalty. In fact, one time she even had a sleepover at the real Windsor Castle! Queen Elizabeth II invited Bonham Carter to spend a night in the iconic residence 6 years ago.

She wasn't the only person invited to this sleepover, though. Other people who were invited included Rachel Weisz, Daniel Craig, and Tim Burton. In an interview with Inquirer, Carter reveals that she slept in the Prince Charles Suite and that it "was a thrill".

Bonham Carter is known for her performance as Princess Margaret, a role that is critically-acclaimed for being incredibly realistic and reminiscent of the princess. However, Bonham Carter has previously attributed her connection to Princess Margaret to much more than simply being interested in the historical figure. In previous interviews, she has mentioned meeting Princess Margaret by contacting her spirit through psychic mediums.

As you can imagine, interviews with Helena Bonham Carter are always quite exciting due to her vivid imagination and personality. For Bonham Carter, communicating with the spirit realm is only one part of her incredibly interesting life. For example, did you know that she once asked Prince William if he could be a godfather to her child? Prince William did not accept the proposal, but this interaction is another example of how driven and personable Helena Bonham Carter can be.

In a recent interview with Inquirer, the famous actress revealed more about her personality and how it affected her role as Princess Margaret. For example, when she was questioned about the historical accuracy of her character's lewdness in the show, she revealed that her performances are not always 100% factual. When portraying Princess Margaret, Bonham Carter took some liberties to interpret the character for the television format.


When acting on television, there are certain aspects of stories that must be altered to fit the medium. Though it might seem ideal to have every piece of dialogue mirror something that was actually said, sometimes actions must be interpreted to fit within the context of acting. This is why many television specials often seem ridiculous and too dramatic when parodied by people in real life.

The distance between the actor and the camera is a completely different dynamic than a face-to-face conversation, necessitating some type of interpretation in performance. This is why Bonham Carter's performance of Princess Margaret is mostly based on fact, but also involves a lot of personal interpretation.

Despite her own interpretations, Bonham Carter really wanted to truly embody the character as best as she could. She was already familiar with the tabloid-like press about the princess but was not convinced by the often negative perspectives about Princess Margaret's actions.

In order to go deeper into the role and actually learn about what Princess Margaret was like, Bonham Carter began speaking to people who were friends with the princess in order to find out how she acted when the press was not pressuring her.

Despite her attempts to connect with the princess, Bonham Carter also recognized in the interview that there are some things that she will never be able to truly understand about the historical figure. For example, she grew up in an accepting family where she was able to choose her own life path. This was much different than a royal upbringing where one is forced into adopting specific behaviors and patterns.

Though Helena Bonham Carter has a history of contacting Princess Margaret's spirit by using psychic mediums, she has actually had contact with the princess. These weren't personal encounters, though—they met briefly twice, but were never friends or even acquaintances. For example, Bonham Carter went to Windsor when she was 30 and ended up meeting the princess, who subsequently said that Bonham Carter should continue acting because she was quickly improving.

As you can imagine, this interaction had a great influence on Bonham Carter and convinced her that she could continue chasing her dreams. Since that interaction, her acting career has continued to develop and she has become a deeply wise celebrity who is not afraid to share her perspectives on life and the world.

When asked about how Meghan Markle is treated by the press, Bonham Carter advises Markle to not pay any attention to the drama. She says that it's important not to let others control your self-esteem, something that can be quite easy to do when you are famous enough that your private life becomes public.

No matter how her private life is interpreted by the press, Helena Bonham Carter has learned to never stop fighting for what is right. Since her acting career began, she has become one of the most influential actresses in the entertainment industry! Given that her role in "The Crown" is only the latest in a long career of critically-acclaimed roles, it's clear that Bonham Carter will continue to have a bright future

John Phillips/ Getty Images Entertainment/ Getty Images

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