Heartbroken Dog Watches Her Former Family Come To Shelter To Adopt Another Dog Before She Finds Forever Home

Jul 22, 2020 by apost team

If you love animals, you are sure to feel upset if you find an abandoned dog. Owners should never abuse their pets. It is disheartening to find out about an abused dog because the animal is an innocent creature.

People should not take pets into their homes unless they treat them with love and respect. This is a true story about a young German shepherd named Zuzu whose previous owners turned up at the shelter she was staying at in California to adopt another dog, and she recognized them in 2016. Luckily, a loving family — Russ and Judith Gallo — eventually adopted Zuzu.

The 2-year-old dog had been residing with her dad. When her father died, Zuzu became so upset that no one could console her no matter how hard they tried. One day, Zuzu escaped from the backyard, according to Express. The dog's owners did not even try to find her.

A few days later, someone noticed Zuzu living on her own and took her to the Downey Animal Care Center in California. Staff members could not make Zuzu feel more cheerful. The young dog looked fearful and sad. She could not get along with the other dogs in the shelter.


One weekend, Zuzu began to wag her tail when she saw a family visiting the shelter. Zuzu ran back and forth across the yard and jumped up and down on her side of the fence. Every employee at the animal care center was taken by surprise. Evidently, Zuzu's previous owners were the visitors that day.

Wishing to remain anonymous, the family visited the shelter intending to adopt another dog. A spokesperson for the family stated that they did not want to adopt Zuzu a second time because she had been so unhappy. According to the Express, they told staff members that they had allowed their pet to escape.

As things turned out, the family did not adopt a different dog. Zuzu's touching story went viral on social media websites. The Pet Adoption Fund, an animal shelter with a no-kill policy, adopted Zuzu. The shelter locates permanent homes for abandoned animals. Many applicants wanted to adopt Zuzu.

However, the staff agreed to give Zuzu to Mr. and Mrs. Gallo. The older couple had been searching for another dog to befriend Dodger, their current pet, as Inside Edition reports. Russ Gallo mentioned that he was heartbroken when he learned that Zuzu's former owners did not want to take her back home, according to the Daily Mail. Russ said he and his wife wanted to make Zuzu happy. Zuzu and Dodger quickly became best friends and love spending time together. Watch the story of Zuzu in the video below:

Have you ever adopted a dog to welcome into your family? If this story inspired you, we welcome you to voice your opinion in the comments below. Don't forget to spread the love by showing this video to your friends and family!