He's Manipulating You If He Is Saying These 9 Things

Oct 29, 2018 by apost team

Many people stay in relationships that are unhealthy. If your partner says any of these things to you, you know he is manipulating you. Make sure you don’t stay in a relationship with anyone who is manipulating you.

1. I Never Said That!

istockphotos.com/Martin Dimitrov

If your significant other says this, run for the hills! Many toxic relationships start when the toxic partner starts manipulating your belief system.

They will say something during an argument and when you decide to call them out on the inappropriate behavior, they will claim that they never said it in the first place. Then they start blaming you, that you obviously weren’t listening or that you heard it wrong.

This is about control. If they are adamant that you are wrong and you start to believe them, you will begin questioning yourself. This causes you to lose your steady ground in an argument because you are too busy trying to discover what actually happened.


2. Why Don’t You Trust Me


Maybe he cheated on you. Perhaps he sent another girl texts when you were already in a committed relationship. When he starts to claim he has been “good” lately, so you should ignore the bad behaviour, you know he is toxic.

All relationships are built on trust, and it can take time to rebuild it after he has broken that trust. However, expecting you to trust him after he wronged you immediately is entirely unfair. Blaming you for your trust issues, which were justifiably caused when he acted poorly, shows that he is manipulating you.

He might try to make it about your insecurities rather than the fact that he messed up.

3. Why are you so anxious compared to all the other girls?

istockphotos.com/Mladen Zivkovic

Unhealthy boyfriends will start constantly comparing you to their exes. If they tell you that you are paranoid or insecure compared to everyone else they have ever dated, it might be time to move on. If a guy loves you, he will support you and try to ease your anxieties, not make them worse!

4. Stop Being So Emotional


If you are in a healthy relationship, you should feel secure and free to express your emotions and how certain instances make you feel. If you are upset, it is important to communicate this with your significant other. In a healthy relationship, you can rely on your partner to provide comfort and reassurance.

However, if you are in a toxic relationship, your partner won’t be able to stand any emotional “outbursts.” Instead of recognizing that something may have upset you and attempting to fix the situation, they will often say that it is your fault and you have too many issues. Don’t believe this manipulation.

It is not overly emotional to express your anger if they texted another girl when you made it clear this action made you uncomfortable. It also isn’t too emotional if you become angry when they simply don’t understand why you are upset, even when you are discussing it in a calm and rational manner.

5. I’m Walking on Eggshells, I Never Do Anything Right!


If your partner spouts this kind of victim mentality, it is more likely that you won’t want to fight anymore. Suddenly, you will start feeling guilty because you will feel that your requests or concerns are unreasonable. Then you start apologizing for bringing up the issue at all.

When toxic people feel cornered or caught when they have done something wrong, they will try to gain your sympathy. They will start making excuses that make it seem like they were just trying to do their best. Suddenly hanging out with an ex is excusable because they don’t have any friends or he was just trying to be a nice person.

6. I didn’t lie! I swear!


When someone chooses to tell you they made a mistake, it doesn’t make them a good boyfriend. Just because he didn’t lie to you about it doesn’t take away from the fact that he made a mistake. A toxic person will not understand that openly telling you about a mistake doesn’t mean you can’t still be upset.

7. I Don’t Want A Relationship with Someone Who Does That


Loving partners don’t constantly threaten a relationship! However heated the argument becomes, you should not feel like every time you bring up a concern that he might break up with you. This is another method of control. If you feel threatened continuously that he will break up with you, you won’t bring up any issues or concerns about the relationship. He tries to make you believe that it is your fault and you are the one who needs to change your behaviour. If he starts trying to give you an ultimatum, you need to head for the door.

8. They Try to Tell You Your Emotions Aren’t Valid


Some toxic people will try to invalidate your emotions by saying that “it isn’t a big deal” or asking you “why are you so upset about it?” He doesn’t have any right to tell you how to feel about certain situations.

This is a targeted move to manipulate you. By invalidating your feelings, it takes away all the guilt and allows them to place the blame on you being too emotional instead of taking responsibility for their actions. This enables them to keep acting inappropriately without considering how their actions make you feel.

One thing toxic partners love is being in control. They want to get away with making you feel bad about wanting to be treated well. Don’t let them manipulate you by trying to make you feel bad about how you respond to something. No one is allowed to tell you how to feel.

9. I’m going to bed!


No one likes to go to bed angry. If you are really upset or angry and he can just fall asleep without any problems, he does not care about you like he should. It is another way he is trying to control the outcome. By letting you continue ruminating about it for hours, disturbing your sleep, he knows he is in control. A great partner should want to help you feel cared for and reassured.

Tell us your experience in the comments and let us know what you think about this! Pass this on to your friends and family!