He Doesn't Deserve To Be Your Priority When To Him, You're Only An Option

Nov 28, 2018 by apost team

It isn’t really too much to ask that you get put at the top of your partner’s priority list when you are dating.


Yes, there are times when other things are going to get in the way of the relationship. Work, family, school, and health issues should always be at the top of the list for anyone. However, we all deserve to feel important and special in a relationship.

Are you trying to post a picture of the two of you on social media but cannot tag him in the picture? Does his profile still say single? Can people automatically see that you are dating from your profile but not from his? Are you tired of not getting public attention from him? Do you feel as though he won’t ever commit?



Answering yes to the above questions is a huge red flag for any relationship. I hate to break it to you, but you are simply an option to him.

He isn’t putting in the effort that would make you a priority in his life. When you aren’t a priority, you won’t ever come first. You won’t feel special, and you will never really feel completely satisfied.


If you are already invested in this relationship, then you are surely in for a long and difficult ride if you don’t recognize these signs. Your chances of a healthy relationship are slim to none if you continue to seek out his love and affection.

You’ll end up doubting yourself instead of him. You will ask yourself what you are doing wrong. By putting him first and doing everything you can to make him happy, it is teaching him that he can continue exhibiting poor behavior towards you. He knows you will always put up with it.

If you continuously jump through hoops to do what he likes and wants, he will have no motivation to reciprocate. He will never put you first because he knows he doesn’t need to- he still gets what he wants.


You are probably wondering why he won’t give you what you need. Sure, you are doing everything in your power to make him happy, so in your eyes he should do the same! But he simply won’t. You have become nothing more than a convenience to him. Why should he put effort into pleasing you when you are only going to do what he wants anyway?

You may get a bit of monogamy for a weekend or a couple of weeks. But don’t think you will be getting the type of romantic, monogamous relationship you have been dreaming of. You may be getting sex from him when you see him, but then he disappears until there is a chance of intimacy again.

You are nowhere near his priority and you need to understand that.


However, you still give him a chance to catch up. You try and talk to him about it. He charms his way out of everything you throw at him. For a minute you feel as though you really ARE a priority to him. But you aren’t-trust us! He simply wants to string you along. He will keep playing on your emotions until you put an end to it once and for all. He would be there with you if that is what he really wanted. There should never be an excuse as to why he cannot be.

You cannot justify waiting for a person who will never change or be who you want them to be. Don’t romanticize a relationship that really isn’t there. Do not allow yourself to become an option to another person when you have made them a priority. You will only experience heartbreak and disaster if you do so.


It’s time to take a step back and re-evaluate just what you mean to this person. Your time, love, and energy is extremely valuable and should never be wasted on the wrong person. You don’t have to let them in if you do not want to. Don’t allow yourself to be convenient. Whenever they want you, they can have you, but you are so much more than that. A relationship requires mutual trust, respect, time, and effort from both parties involved.

You deserve much more than a quick roll in the sack. There is a special someone out there for you! That person will love and cherish you for who you are. They will have no problem committing to you for good. You will never have to fight for their love and time. You have to truly believe that you are worth it, though. Trust us, you are!

Have you dealt with this exact scenario from a man? Leave us a quick story in the comments if the answer is yes, and then be sure to pass this along to someone who really needs to hear it!