Hard Working Mother Of Two Gets Education And Second Job Thanks To Her Generous Boss

Oct 08, 2019 by apost team

Cassie was the most loyal worker Peter DeRosa ever had. When she didn't show up to work one day, Peter became worried. He visited her home to conduct a welfare check that day - you won't believe what he found!

We've all heard about the dozens of cases of Domino's, Pizza Hut, Papa John's, and other pizza parlors going to check on the welfare of their best customers after they didn't place orders that submitted day after day after day to their favorite pizza delivery spots. Most of them involve those curious pizza delivery people finding their most regular customers in bad health, seeking the assistance of ambulances and emergency rooms to nurse them back to health, and happy endings.

Many of us are similarly familiar with stories of reliable employees failing to show up for work, only to be visited at home by their employers. In cases that end well, employers are able to seek healthcare assistance that ultimately nurses their star workers back to tip-top shape.


The story of Cassie Camilo, a mother who reliably worked two jobs for nearly two consecutive decades, is similar to these.

Cassie Camilo was born in Brazil. Unable to source a lasting position at a reliable employer that paid a respectable wage, Cassie emigrated to the United States soon after she became an adult.

Even though Ms. Camilo had two kids at the time of her departure, she made the tough decision of seeking work in the United States so she could send enough money back home to her family in Brazil. Cassie planned to fly her children to the U.S. once she saved up enough money to do so.

Peter DeRosa, a U.S. citizen, crossed paths with Cassie soon after she landed in the States. DeRosa, an entrepreneur, hired her to work at his restaurant. He even helped her find another job.

Cassie worked hard at Peter's restaurant and never missed a day of work. DeRosa heard through the grapevine that she slaved away similarly at her second job, refusing to lay off work even when she was sick.

After Cassie didn't show up to work one day, Peter visited her home and found a deathly-sick Cassie Camilo. If Peter hadn't have taken her to the doctor, she might have died, the physician told Peter after he found her withering away at home.

But that wasn't the first time Peter DeRosa influenced Cassie's life in a wonderful way. He was the one who helped her find her second job by accompanying her to job interviews. He also supported Cassie when she started her English class by helping her pay for it. In an interview with Only Good TV she called DeRosa her 'angel.'

Have you ever had a bad feeling about something that made you follow your intuition? If so, let us know your story in the comments. Don't forget to spread Cassie's story to let others see that there are still kindhearted employers out there!