Guests Caught Offguard As Father Brings Out Extra Box At Backyard Gender Reveal Gathering

Aug 31, 2021 by apost team

During the last years, gender reveal parties have been making headlines every now and then. Sometimes, these headlines were negative as soon-to-be parents went a bit overboard with their joy and exuberance. However, we shouldn't forget that if done right, gender reveal parties can be a wonderful get-together for family and friends to share in the joy of parents. They can be a way to share exciting news and let the grandparents, aunts, and uncles take part in the pregnancy.

One couple chose their gender reveal party as the way to tell their family friends that their family would grow a bit more than most were expecting. In a video from 2017, the happy parents surprised their guests with a little twist to their simple party.

Patrick and Kelsie are the parents in question, and their quest to add children to their family did not come without heartbreak and complications. The couple already had a son, but had always wanted more children. Sadly, life had so far not been kind to them and their wish for a bigger family. After enduring several miscarriages, they were cautious about sharing the news when Kelsie discovered she was pregnant again.

So they kept things quiet at first and made sure to follow their doctor's advice diligently. Only after the pregnancy had progressed to several months did they tell family and friends about it at all.
Then, once they got the all-clear and the first news about their new child's gender, the couple and their son Bennett wowed guests with a surprise at their backyard gender reveal party. 

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Patrick and Kelsie received some unexpected news following an ultrasound at the seven-week stage of the pregnancy. As reported here by The Bump, they had endured three miscarriages already and had decided to keep any news to themselves till the pregnancy progressed further.

The couple also decided not to reveal the gender of the new family addition to anybody in their family at first. When they received additional information, they decided to plan a simple backyard gender reveal party. The setup was straightforward: friends and family gathered at their family home, where they had prepared boxes with colored balloons. Once everybody was assembled and the party in full swing, the box would be opened and either blue or pink balloons would inform the guests what gender the child would be. 

In this video, Patrick is seen telling everyone in attendance to wait a second during the first countdown to the big reveal. He runs out of view of the camera just moments before he and Kelsie were set to open the single box of balloons. Patrick returns with the second box of balloons. The gathering of friends and family is unsure of what exactly is happening, but they are sure there is something unexpected and exciting taking place before them.

You will be hard-pressed to not enjoy yourself while watching the surprise revealed by Patrick and Kelsie. All in attendance, their young son Bennett included, were both thrilled and stunned to learn the couple would be adding both a boy and a girl to the family. One family member, however, can be heard crowing "I knew it!" so maybe somebody had already seen signs during the pregnancy.

Did you enjoy the video of Patrick and Kelsie's reveal party? Did you feel good for the couple after so much heartache? Tell us what you think and send this to friends and family. It is just the thing to brighten their day.

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