Grandparents Don’t Die; They Become Invisible… EVERYBODY Must Read This, SO Heartwarming

Jan 30, 2019 by apost team

The love between a grandparent and a grandchild is unlike any other love on the planet. Those who have experienced this special love know that their grandparents never truly die; they are simply no longer visible to them. And the eternal place of rest for the grandparent is deep within the hearts of their grandchildren.

Grandparents experience the treasure of watching the birth and growth of their grandchildren. The experience is much different for the grandchild who watches the grandparent age before finally saying their goodbyes to the world. For many of us, the loss of a grandparent is the first tragic goodbye we face in life.

Grandparents leave traces of themselves behind for future generations to enjoy.

Their spirits will be apparent in their grandchildren in a number of ways and on many occasions. This legacy of everlasting love will be a constant companion to their grandchildren from the moment their grandparent is no longer visible.

It is not uncommon today to see grandparents play a lead or supporting role in the raising of a child. Grandparents are an invaluable source of support in the family system today. However, grandchildren understand from the beginning their grandparents play a quite different role than their parents.

The bond between grandparent and grandchild is one that is both intimate and deep.

The loss of a grandparent can cause deep pain to a small child or adolescent. But a moment of reflection leads to the following pearls of wisdom.

Life After The Loss Of A Grandparent

Individuals who have been fortunate enough to hold on to their grandparents until adulthood should consider themselves lucky. Some individuals who are not as fortunate experience the loss of their grandparents at a very early age. When this happens, the small child has no way of understanding the magnitude of this loss.

Adults should be direct an honest with children when discussing the death of a loved one. It is important that the message fit the age of the young person but the child should know the truth about their grandparent.

It is also important to allow the child to say his or her final goodbyes.

The following principles should be remembered when helping the child understand the death of a grandparent.

  • Inform the child of the death in a direct manner that does not use metaphors. If we tell the child grandpa is away for a while, the child could form the misconception that his grandfather will return in the future.
  • When explaining the death from a religious perspective, keep the explanation brief and direct. Young minds can only absorb so much information. Do not overwhelm them with concepts of theology. Make sure the child understand the loss of the grandparent is permanent.
  • Parents should not hide their own grief in the presence of their children. Children should learn death and their feelings regarding death are not taboo. They should also understand that others in the family are grieving along with them. They will know that it is acceptable to express their feelings after seeing you express yours.
  • The child will have many questions regarding the death of a grandparent. It is important to remember the child has likely not had a similar experience. We must give them the attention they need and answer their questions with patience and intelligence.

Children should also understand that their grandparents will always be connected to them. Highlight the following:

  • Grandparents are a part of our lives even when they are no longer physically present. They exist in our hearts and will be introduced to future generations through oral traditions
  • The thoughts of grandparents holding our hands when we were small children are replaced now with the hold on our hearts they will have for eternity.
  • You will have a visual of your grandmother in the old and yellow photo that rests on an end table in your living room. Your grandfather will live forever in the pecan tree he planted in the backyard of the family home.
  • Your grandmother's presence will be felt each time you smell the baking of a chocolate cake or sweet potato pie. The wisdom of your grandfather lives forever as you put the sage advice he gave you to use.
  • Our grandparents are more than mere contributors to our genetic makeup. They are forever linked to us and communicate through a language only we can understand.
  • Our grandparents are the gentle caress we remember as children, the loving smile they always made available to us, and a silent walk while in awe of the sunset. Our grandparents are forever.

Your Thoughts

Are you a part of the fortunate group of people who still have your grandparents available to you in a physical form? If not, did this piece cause you to relive good times you had with your grandparents? Send this article to friends. There are many people that can benefit on a careful reflection on the loss of a grandparent.