Grandpa Receives Call That His Lost Husky Has Been Found After 2 Years Of Begging Strangers To Help

Feb 20, 2019 by apost team

It's a situation that no pet owner should ever have to experience but one countless unfortunately do. A beloved animal goes missing and they try desperately to track them down. One man's beloved Siberian husky had been missing for two years.

While many in his situation would resign themselves to the idea that their dog is gone forever, this man held onto optimism. What ended up happening is enough to bring a tear to your eye.

In 2015, Armand Ravizza's husky, Kody, went missing. Armand immediately sprung into action.

He made a special Facebook page, employed drones, got another dog to track Kody down based on scent. Armand even went on the local news to alert viewers about his desire to be reunited with his dog.

The years went on and Kody still wasn't home. Though Armand was determined to bring Kody home, it was seeming more and more unlikely that would be possible. Then, something incredible happened.

The phone rang and Armand learned that Kody had been spotted and recovered. The two reunited and it was like Kody had never been gone.

Even two years apart, his love for his best friend remained. Anyone who's ever had a dog knows about how special the bond can be.

Hope comes to those who are willing to believe in it. There was no guarantee that Armand and Kody would be reunited, but the only way to make it certain it wouldn't happen would've been not trying. Armand's love for his dog never wavered and they are now reunited and happy.