Grandpa Enjoys Scaring Away Telemarketer Using His Spot-On ‘Donald Duck’ Voice

Apr 09, 2021 by apost team

Telemarketing calls can be frustrating to deal with, especially today when more and more telemarketers are finding ways to call you despite all efforts to stop them. While many people can suspect that an unknown number is a potential spam call, it is also easy to think that the call may be coming from a loved one. Most often, however, these end up being spam calls. No matter how many times a person falls into this trap, the spam calls do not stop and telemarketers are patient enough to try multiple calls until they find someone who picks up. 

It is unfortunate that this is the reality of today's world, but some people have found a way to make the best of the situation. There have been various examples of a person spamming the spammer over text in hilarious ways. Since it is easy to screenshot a conversation, we see more examples of text-based revenge than call-based, but once in a while, a gem comes along to remind us to laugh and sets a great example for how to handle annoying telemarketers. 

Donald Sizemore from Alabama has something in common with another Donald: Donald Duck! He has an uncanny ability to bring out a pitch-perfect Donald Duck voice, which is both hilarious and surprising in its accuracy. When Donald realized that he was getting a telemarketing call, he took the opportunity and made the best of an unwanted situation, and in the process became a viral star. His wife, Gayle Sizemore, recorded his interaction with the unfortunate telemarketer in 2019, and we are sure that the caller herself might have had a laugh later! 

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

Donald has reportedly been doing the exceptionally accurate Donald Duck voice for over 70 years as per Inside Edition. He first learned how to speak like Donald Duck when he was 5 or 6 years old, and since then he has enjoyed using it to entertain his family. It is a great hit with his grandchildren even today.

When he employs his voice for the telemarketer, his face is completely deadpan; he is fully invested in the ruse and he is doing it beautifully. WSLS reports that the telemarketer called his wife Gayle and insisted that they speak only to her husband, so she had the phone on speaker as Donald took over for her. 

“Hewhoah? Hewwwwhoooooah, are you dhere?” says Donald, 77, and his voice is might have taken the telemarketer aback. “Dhis is Dawnald Sizemoah, who are you?” he asks, but receives no response for a small while. "I can't heaw you. Hewhoah?!" he says a couple of times before the telemarketer asks him, "Is this the real Donald?" 

The response comes again in the beautifully accurate Donald Duck voice, "Yes, this is Donald, Donald Sizemowoah." The telemarketer tries to make her pitch despite knowing that something funny might be going on on the other end of her line.

"I'm calling in regards to your medication," she starts but Donald is having none of it. “Oh, doah, am I in twaubble?” quips a still-expressionless Donald, who is clearly all in to have his revenge on the annoying caller. He continues to joke around with her until finally, the telemarketer is the one to cut the call. That may be a first!

In the video below, the interviewer has also fully enjoyed watching the video and is laughing at the outcome. "You know what the best part about this whole thing is that you really annoyed a telemarketer. That's the best thing," he says with a large smile. On the other side of the virtual interview are Donald and his wife Gayle. "It was all good, clean fun," Donald adds. 

Gayle also chimes in and says that the first time she ever heard the voice was on their first date, and the uncanniness of the Donald Duck voice blew her away. In fact, Gayle was serenaded to the song "I Love You Truly" for their 50th wedding anniversary by her husband and his ducky voice. He even gives viewers a small taste and sings one line of the song during the virtual interview.

WJLA News reports that the video was initially posted onto Gayle's private Facebook page, and her daughters asked her to make the video public so that they could share it with their friends. Neither one of them believed that the video would go viral, but within a few weeks, it racked over 8 million views.

While before Donald used to use the voice in public, he stopped doing so. "...some years ago we were walking through a restaurant past a table that had a small child sitting with the family. He stopped and talked Donald Duck to the child and it scared the child and she cried! So he doesn't do it much in public much anymore," Gayle told WSLS. However, when an opportunity presents itself, like with the telemarketer, Donald makes sure to have fun. Hopefully, the telemarketer thinks twice before calling their home again! 

What did you think of Donald's amazing talent? Tell us what you think of his ingenious way to handle telemarketers, and tell us the ways that you've had your fun with spam calls as well. Make sure to tell your friends about this video! It might just make their day! 

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