Goodbye Thin and Flat Hair - This Haircut is Perfect

Sep 25, 2018 by apost team

Do you suffer from flat hair and want more volume? Most women with fine hair know this problem too well. But full, healthy hair doesn't have to remain just a dream for you. In this article, you will learn how you can finally make your dreams come true! Even if split ends bother you or if you are blessed with voluminous hair, but would like to make a change, you should continue reading.

You can get closer to your goal with the so-called Calligraphy Cut. This is a new cutting technique that is achieved with the Calligraph, a patented knife. The idea came to Frank Brormann, a master hairdresser, who also developed the tool.

With the blade of the knife, which is slightly tilted, your hair is cut at a slant. The angle is between 21 and 23 degrees, and that is the secret. Because of the slope used when cutting, you no longer have to worry about fraying on your tips. But that's not all. If you've always wanted voluminous hair, now's your time. The Calligraph makes it possible!

Are you a little suspicious of the whole thing?

The proud inventor also commissioned a study at the University of Münster to prove that his innovation really is the working and that this is not an empty promise or a mere rip-off. In the study, the hair was cut in three different ways: in one instance with a knife and in the other normally with scissors. For the third variant, the Calligraph was used.

The results are certainly reason enough for you to do a little happy day. In the cut that used the cutting tool, hardly any broken spots could be found at the tips, and they looked different than in the other two cuts. Additionally, the entire hair structure was a lot smoother than with the other two cuts. So, it turned out that neither the knife nor the scissors stood a chance against the Calligrapher.

If you have very fine hair and want to change something, Frank Brorman's invention is certainly the right choice for you. Encourage your headdress to use the Calligrapher at the suggested 21-23 degree angle, so that you can truly reap the benefits of the cutting tool. This makes your hair more elastic and flexible. This change will not go unnoticed. It won't be long before you get your first compliments on your voluminous and healthy hair.

Are you disappointed because your hair is not fine but is actually on the opposite end of the spectrum? Is it particularly full or thick? We know that can also be burdensome. But there's nothing to worry about. The Calligraph can help you here, too! The special cut makes your hair look softer.

Split ends can also be combatted by the cutting tool. On the one hand, it will make your hair look healthier, and on the other hand, the ends of your hair will be cut so neatly that it is much easier for them to pick up products that will make your hair even healthier.

You can imagine the Calligraphy Cut as a sealant for your haircut. This in turn ensures that your hair doesn't get split ends so quickly. In addition, you can be happy that you don't have to cut your hair as frequently. You will be able to go longer between cuts than before.

Do you know someone who hasn't exactly been blessed with voluminous hair? Or a person who's worrying about that? Perhaps some people around you suffer from split ends and are visibly annoyed by them. They would certainly be grateful if you would make them aware of this article.