Good Samaritans Investigate Bird Acting Oddly In Park, Find Tons Of Pills Scattered In Grass

Jan 03, 2019 by apost team

Located in Huntington Beach, California, Chris Carr Park is an 11-acre city park. It features a lake for recreational fishing, a playground, and several family picnic areas.

However, a recent incident led parkgoers to pay closer attention to the wild birds. A group noticed the wild birds located in Carr Park were exhibiting some behavior that was very strange. A ring-billed gull and Canada goose were witnessed walking with their heads hung low, at a sluggish pace, and with their eyes closed nearly shut.

Parkgoers saw the goose, at one point, fall onto its back and pass out completely. Upon doing so, it’s legs stuck straight up into the air, and it looked like the animal was dead.

Following these incidents, it was wasn’t long before neighbors with concerns began seeing that hundreds of prescription pills had been dumped throughout the park and scattered in its grass.

Because the birds didn’t know any better, they probably thought they were eating food pellets or grain a good samaritan spread for them. Instead, they were ingesting antidepressants, sleep aids, and heart medications.

The Good Samaritans contacted animal control. In doing so, the birds had immediate transport to the local wildlife center. It wasn’t long before the staff was able to confirm that the birds had overdosed on the medications in the park.

What do you think of this incredible story? We here at APost are grateful it has a happy ending! Let us know your thoughts in the comments and pass this inspiring story along to any animal-lovers you know.