Golden Retriever Reacted To Mom Coming Home Versus Dad

May 20, 2020 by apost team

Oshie is a Golden Retriever living in Fallbrook, California, and while he loves both of his owners, he definitely has different reactions to when they come home. Oshie's dad decided to do an experiment and film the dog's reactions to mom coming home versus dad coming home, and the results are surely not identical.

Meet Oshie, a beautiful golden retriever who waits for his parents to come home every day but reacts differently each time he sees them pulling up to the house.

When Oshie’s dad noticed this phenomenon he decided to carry out an experiment: recording the dog’s reaction when he arrived home as opposed to when Mom arrived.

When Oshie’s dad returned home from work, he waited for the dog to go ballistic with joy but when he opened the front door, the retriever was nowhere to be found. This might have been disappointing; Dad had to scan the house to find his dog.

All was not lost; when he did find Oshie, the dog became more amiable, coming close for snuggles and wanting to play.

Then, he waited for the moment when Oshie’s mom was to arrive. The difference was huge. When her car pulled up the driveway, Oshie darted out of the door in a show of loving affection, unable to wait a moment to welcome her.

He even helped carry his mom’s purse to the door! We can definitely conclude based on this that Oshie is a Mama’s boy, though he loves both of his parents.

This sweet experiment doesn’t mean that Oshie doesn’t care about Dad, but that he just shows his affection differently. He’s still a very good boy, and clearly a gentleman, carrying the purse to the door. 

Is your pet more fond of mom or dad? Let us know your thoughts and be sure to pass this on to others!