Golden Retriever Falls In Love With BFF's Puppies

Oct 07, 2020 by apost team

When a gorgeous grey-eyed husky delivers puppies, who do you hire aa a babysitter? Her best buddy, a male golden retriever, of course!

Momma Husky and Uncle Golden are pretty busy with these three tiny pups. While Momma feeds the clan, Uncle Golden does a lot of checking in, hanging over the baby gate. Once he can join up with the group, he helps everyone out!

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

This golden has to be one of the most sweet-tempered creatures on the animal planet, and luckily for the human planet, he's willing to share his puppy-caring tips. His current job duties include:

  • being a chew toy
  • serving as a mattress, and
  • comforting Momma Husky so she can get some rest, too

Not only does he submit when puppies need to do some mouthing, but he's also right there when a pup needs a hug. If you've ever cared for a nursing baby, you know there are times when baby needs some cuddling by someone who isn't a food source, and Uncle Golden really steps up to give physical comfort to these three adorable pups.

Does This Fit?

Puppies are a lot like other little critters when they're checking out the world; there are things that fit in their mouths, and things that don't. This definition pretty much covers what they need to know about the world early on. Luckily, at least a portion of Uncle Golden, in fact, fits.

Possessive Care

This retriever offers comfort and care to the whole clan, including being a napping buddy for Momma Husky. The shape of his eyes changes when the pups venture out a bit far from his care, growing hooded and concerned. It's easy to see he's got a strong connection with these sweet puppies and their mum.

If your day could use a little sweetness and light, particularly as provided by puppies and really sweet dogs, take the time to pass along this story. We could all use a little cheer in our day!

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