Georgia Driver Somehow Makes It Out Alive Of 'Final Destination' Collision With Logging Truck

Oct 30, 2019 by apost team

If you've ever seen the "Final Destination" movies, you know that they're full of spine-chilling moments of people cheating death. It's a concept that resonates with audiences because we can imagine the disbelief that would come with surviving what would be a fatal situation. One Georgia motorist has a story straight out of those movies, except this one is real.

Photo by Whitfield County Fire Dept.

While driving behind a logger's truck, filled with lumber, this driver rear-ended the wood-hauling vehicle when he was trying to receive something beneath him. As a result, the logs were dislodged and smashed through his windshield. For most people, having more than 30 logs bust through a windshield at high-speed would be instant death. However, improbable luck was on the driver's side.

Photo by Whitfield County Fire Dept.

Thanks to the driver not sitting in an erect position during the collision, his head only ended up in the middle of logs that had knocked down his seat. The logs had made the right space for his head to be secure without any serious trauma. Firefighters were able to get him out in a reasonable amount of time thanks to the help of chainsaws.

Photo by Whitfield County Fire Dept.

Although his vehicle has definitely seen better days and he's likely very shaken up, the driver should be able to see how much of a miracle this is. It does teach an important lesson about the importance of driving safety. Although he was able to avoid death or serious injury, he still put himself and other drivers in harm's way by being inattentive.

Photo by Whitfield County Fire Dept.

Anytime we're behind the wheel of a car, we need to be fully aware of what's going on. It doesn't matter if you've been driving for most of your life or that you're on a familiar route. If you look away for a split second, chaos can ensue. This driver is probably going to think twice before looking away from the road again.

What do you think of this amazing story of survival? What do you do to make sure you stay safe on the road? Be sure to show this to anyone you know who loves thrilling stories with happy endings.