Fresh Look Allowed Her New Lease On Life

Nov 08, 2020 by apost team

With her new look, she is almost unrecognizable. A beautiful face emerges from behind the shadows of indescribable tragedy.

The Makeover Guy has a very successful studio and social media presence. His team of makeover geniuses has done remarkable work on the exteriors of many women, giving them a look they never knew they could have. That exterior change has boosted the interior of these women, giving them renewed confidence to literally face the world. Tristy from New Hope, MN is one such woman. By the end of her visit, "new hope" will not just be the name of the city in which she resides: it will also reflect the outcome of her visit to this salon.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Tristy came in with a funk in which she could not get out of. She was immobilized by life-shattering events and was stuck in a rut. She lost her husband, her partner and soul mate, with whom she shared her life for 30 years. He was the love of her life. And, then he died. Life was hard without him in her life and, at times, she just went through the motions. Then two years later, tragedy struck again.

After she lost her husband, she lost her youngest daughter suddenly and unexpectedly. Still not completely healed from the loss of her husband, this death felt like a piece of her was gone. She admits to just letting herself go without taking care of herself. She was traumatized and could not move forward on her own.

Realizing that she just had to go on, she mustered up the strength to get to the studio. It wasn't just to look pretty: it was to get a new lease on life. Her objective, as she stated, was to come "alive again." And, given the miracles that occur at that salon, she would not be disappointed.

A few hours later, that new person emerges and boy is she gorgeous. Tristy came in with long, unkempt hair, and she wore the hardships she suffered on her face. She said that the weight of life pulled her down for so long that she became comfortable in that state. But, no more.

In the aftermath of her transformation, she looks like a shadow of her former self. That long, stringy hair has been cut, colored, and styled anew. It was dyed red and it brings out her complexion like a ray of bright sunshine. The makeup has washed away the fine lines and wrinkles. She has received contours and highlights. She is poised with foundation, powder, blush, eyeshadow, eyelashes, and lipstick, the most important of which is renewed confidence. Vigor! Life! Hope! She even feels sexy. Yes, she is ready to "get out there and have some fun."

It took a while for Tristy to get to the point where she was strong enough to face the world again. Yet, she got herself together, took courage, and went to the right makeover studio for help. The owner is the makeover guy himself, Christopher Hopkins. The motto of his studio is "uplifting lives through beauty." Hundreds of women have come from near and far to get his world-famous, trademark beauty makeovers. The $1800 price tag may be pricey for some: for others, the ability to get a new start is priceless.

Tristy wanted to restart her life's engine again, and, clearly, it is up and running. Given what she has been through, her happiness and newfound self-confidence are well deserved. She returned to New Hope, MN with, what else? New hope.

Do you know someone who emerged from under the weight of tragedy or hardship? Tell us about it. It might just inspire hope in someone else.

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