Free-Spirited Baby Elephant Enjoys Day At The Spa

Jul 29, 2020 by apost team

Khanyisa is an orphaned baby elephant from South Africa that has gotten a lot of press recently. Viewers around the world have been delighting at the chance to keep up with this adorable baby elephant and her antics through the medium of video.

In a video from April 2020, Khanyisa has a day out at the spa — or rather, the local dam. Watching her frolic in the cool water is so joyous and sweet!

Videos featuring Khanyisa have been getting more views every day and this is certainly the case with a recent one that shows this cutie on her day out with her handler. They go down to the local dam where Khanyisa gets to enjoy a nice stroll around the area.

According to HERD, the baby elephant named Khanyisa went out for a day at the dam with her handlers — and one of the cutest scenes of the year emerges. This is an elephant with a large following around the world, and many have delighted at the opportunity to see her enjoying her day out.

It is an entertaining sight to see this little elephant strolling around before finally deciding to jump into the water for a nice process of cooling off. Her handlers get in on the act and have a lot of fun frolicking in the cool water with this baby elephant.

Having a Care-Free Day in a Beautiful Setting

The natural setting that this video takes place in is absolutely stunning. Khanyisa is enjoying a walk around a beautiful water hole, and there is a stunning backdrop of trees and bushes everywhere. It is quite a sight to behold, and this beautiful elephant does not have a care in the world while she enjoys her time.

She cutely comes up to her handler and puts her trunk in his face before she goes casually strolling around the water hole. It is the perfect day outing for an adorable baby elephant like Khanyisa, and it is not a surprise that such an adorable video has become so popular with viewers across the globe.

It Is Finally Time to Cool Off in the Water

After taking her stroll around the water hole, Kanyisa finally decides that the time has come to jump on in and cool off. The cuteness factor of this video goes up another notch when she starts to splash around and frolic in the water. You can tell that she truly loves having fun splashing around and playing with her handler. It is the perfect game for a baby elephant to play and Khanyisa is enjoying every moment.

This is a true reminder of what amazing creatures elephants really are. Khanyisa is more than happy to get covered in mud. After a bit, she gets out and has another little walk before deciding that being in the water really is where she wants to be. Her handlers help her out in her cooling-off process by splashing water on her back. It is all a part of an adorable scene that has helped Khanyisa to add even more viewers around the world to her sizeable fanbase.

What was your first reaction when you saw the video documenting a fun day out at the dam for baby elephant Khanyisa? Did it melt your heart to see this young elephant having such a good time just doing what elephants do? If yes, then let more people know about baby elephant Khanyisa by passing this video along to all of your friends and family so they can enjoy it as well.