Four Sets Of Identical Twins Played Practical Time Travel Joke On The NYC Subway

May 08, 2019 by apost team

Commuting on the subway in NYC can be monotonous and boring. You see the same people day after day getting on and off the train. You might occasionally get someone acting a bit weird, but that's life in New York City.

Commuters get to the point where they don't pay attention to much and don't get phased by anything.

When a panhandler comes on the train, asking for spare change to build a time machine, most of the riders don't even blink. Some got a chuckle, but not much more. However, a second man gets on the train and claims:

"I am from the future."

That's when people started to pay more attention. The second man claimed the time machine was going to cause a total disaster, so please don't give the first guy money.

Things just took off from there. See the entire thing for yourself. It was actually a performance put on by Improv Everywhere. This prank got a lot of attention on the subway and online.

The group offered a more detailed explanation of their performance.

Their elaborate time travel prank involves four sets of identical twins. It starts with the arrival of one man asking for money to complete the build on his time machine. At the next stop, his "future self", played by his twin, enters the train trying to stop him from getting any money. Add new time travelers at subsequent stops and you can see why the subway passengers started to take notice.

What do you think of this improv group's performance? Let us know in the comments and make sure to pass this along to your friends and family!