Former President Jimmy Carter To Teach Sunday School Despite Recently Fracturing His Pelvis

Oct 31, 2019 by apost team

Former POTUS Jimmy Carter was hospitalized after having another fall at his home in Plains, Georgia this month. The 95-year-old suffered a minor pelvic fracture. However, the life-long christian isn't letting his injury keep him from teaching Sunday school. 

Maranatha Baptist Church announced the former president felt well enough to teach at their Sunday school class. "We are proud and relieved to announce President Carter has changed his mind and decided that he feels well enough (to) teach," the announcement read.

Pastor at Maranatha Baptist, Tony Lowden, told Yahoo News, "I've never seen anything like him," commenting that his endurance is "amazing."

This is actually the third time Carter has fallen this year. Earlier this year in May, Carter fell and broke his hip while turkey hunting near his Georgia home. He was rushed to a hospital nearby and underwent successful surgery according to a statement released by the Carters.

However, flash forward to August and the president is busy working away at construction sites at the organization Habitat For Humanity to help people have affordable housing. The second fall occurred in early October at his home again and the accident required Carter to get 14 stitches and left him with a black eye. 

According to Yahoo News, Carter has been teaching Sunday School for years. While he missed the previous Sunday School class, Carter made sure he would attend the next. 

What do you think of Former POTUS Jimmy Carter already jumping back into his charitable activities? Tell us your thoughts below. Pass this article along to your friends or family.