Former President Jimmy Carter Recovers From Operation After Breaking Hip

May 14, 2019 by apost team

Jimmy Carter, the 94-year-old former president of the United States, has fallen at his Plains, Georgia home and broken his hip. He was rushed to a hospital nearby and underwent successful surgery. The Carter Center issued a statement to the press that reported that President Carter was getting ready to go turkey hunting when the fall occurred.

While he is comfortably recovering after a visit to the Phoebe Sumter Medical Center with his wife of 73 years Rosalynn Carter by his side, his main concern doesn’t seem to be his health.

Turkey season in Georgia ends soon and according to the press release,

“He hopes the State of Georgia will allow him to roll over the unused limit to next year."

It is great to hear that President Carter has kept his good humor through this health scare. He has already survived cancer in the past, thanks to a treatment reported on in ABC News, and is now the oldest living former president of the United States.

After his presidency he founded The Carter Center in 1982, an organization “guided by a fundamental commitment to human rights and the alleviation of human suffering.” For his work there he received the Nobel Peace Price in 2002.

We wish President Jimmy Carter a speedy recovery and many turkey hunts in the future. What would you like to say to him?