Football Coach Displays Epic Moves After Team Found Out He Was MC Hammer's Backup Dancer

Sep 24, 2019 by apost team

When people switch careers at some point during their lives, they may have some interesting stories to tell later on. Case in point: an assistant football coach in California. 

Alonzo “Zo” Carter is currently working with the San Jose State Spartans in California. He is training and mentoring numerous student-athletes. However, this wasn’t always the type of job he was in.

You might not recognize Zo’s face when you see it, but we can almost guarantee you will recognize his dance moves. In 1989, he and a number of his college friends decided to audition for a local music video on a whim. The song was MC Hammer’s “Let’s Get It Started.”

The group was hired and immediately went on tour with the rapper, as reported by The Mercury News. As that summer came to an end, Zo assumed that he would go back to college and finish up his degree. However, MC Hammer soon began blowing up on the radio.

Zo had a major decision to make: college or dancer? He chose to be a backup dancer and hit the road for three solid years. Zo toured as part of the famous rapper’s entourage. He danced at the American Movie Awards, the MTV Video Music Awards, and the Grammys. He even appeared on “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” It was a dream come true for Zo and his friends.

However, Zo could never shake his unwavering passion for football. He eventually headed back to his high school in Oakland to coach football and track. Zo is now a highly-respected and well-known college football coach. He doesn’t like to call attention to his hip-hop past. But during a training session in 2017, Zo heard a familiar song over the PA system when head coach Brent Brennan heard about his amazing past.

The hit song “U Can’t Touch This” began to play over the PA system. Without missing a beat, Zo begins the famous “Hammer Dance” that he actually helped create so many years ago. He hasn’t lost his talent, and the players are enjoying this impromptu dance scene!

Of course, the video was posted to social media and quickly went viral. We can understand why!

Did you love this dance back in the 90s? Do you enjoy it still? Leave us a comment before you pass this on to your friends and family!