Florida Couple Welcome Baby After Winning Radio Contest For Free IVF

Nov 22, 2019 by apost team

A radio show contest was truly life-changing for one reproductively challenged couple.

In 2017, Florida radio station B103.9 launched a contest to “Win a Baby." The contest winner won the cost of in vitro fertilization (IVF) as well as all of the related medication and treatment needed to carry a baby to full-term, as reported here at CBS News.


Cape Coral couple Krista and Anthony Rivera were the lucky winners. Before the contest, Anthony was diagnosed with testicular cancer. The aggressive chemotherapy treatments left Anthony unable to have children. This left the heartbroken couple with IVF as the only option to have a biological child. Prior to Anthony's cancer treatment, the couple had frozen some of Anthony's sperm cells to be used later.

Entering the contest proved to be a good decision for the pair. Not only did they win the free IVF treatment, but it worked. Their miracle baby Garrett was born a few months ago, making the family complete. Krista said to Fox News that this was a 'dream come true' for the couple.

It was never smooth sailing for this family. After finally achieving the pregnancy, complications during the delivery made for a stressful experience. Garrett was turned sideways and was unable to get out of the pelvic area without emergency assistance. Garrett needed help to begin breathing and he also suffered a broken arm as a result of the rough delivery.

Thankfully, the sweet baby is now happy, healthy, and bringing great joy to his parents.

You can learn more about this story and meet Garrett by watching this video. After you have watched this touching story, be sure to spread the joy to everyone else that you know.