Five-Year-Old Springs Into Action When Mom Gets Seizure By The Pool Saving Her From Drowning

Jun 12, 2020 by apost team

In 2016, Texas woman Tracy Anderwald was by the pool at her sister's house when she started having a seizure. She fell face down into the water and was close to drowning until her five-year-old daughter Allison came to her rescue.

Meet Tracy Anderwald And Her Daughter

Tracy recently found herself helpless in a life-threatening situation. Her five-year-old daughter, Allison, became her protector. Allison and Tracy were having a delightful mommy-daughter day by the pool at Tracy’s sister’s house. Disaster struck. Tracy unexpectedly suffered a seizure. As she blacked out, she fell face-down into the pool water. In her unconscious state, she had mere minutes before she would drown.

Allison saw everything. Instead of panicking and freezing in fear, young Allison instantly decided she would do anything to save her mom. This young girl saw her unresponsive mom’s face in the water and instinctively knew that she’d likely perish if she didn’t act immediately.

Amazingly, Allison swam over to her mom in the deep end of the pool and pushed her to the shallows. Once there, she was able to flip her mom over so that her face would be out of the water. With her mom out of the immediate danger of drowning, Allison ran into the house to call for help.

Tedra Hunt, one of Tracy’s sisters, just happened to be walking over to the house when the incident occurred. Allison told her the situation, and Tedra called 911 before running to check on her sister.

Tracy was transported to CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi-Memorial in Corpus Christi, Texas. Tracy awoke there and couldn’t remember anything that had happened. But the entire incident was captured on video by the home’s security cameras. Needless to say that Tracy was one proud and thankful mama.

Tedra actually told Inside Edition that doctors explained to them that Allison had saved her mom’s life; If underwater longer, she’d likely have drowned. Tedra was amazed that Allison managed to move her mom because she’s a fairly small five-year-old. She called Allison a guardian angel.

Not to diminish Allison’s bravery and quick thinking, but this incident goes to show the importance of teaching children to swim early, too. The family stated that Allison’s swim strength came from that fact she’d been proficiently swimming since she was a small toddler.

Initially, there was a bit of concern that Tracy might have suffered brain damage from being underwater in the pool, but she made a full recovery without any consequences and has since been released from the hospital. The family hopes that their story inspires others to teach their children to swim early.

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