Five Reasons Why Your Eyes Are Twitching

May 14, 2018 by apost team

There are numerous stressful situations that can cause different health issues to occur. One of these is eye twitching. Experiencing twitching in the eyes can be an unpleasant and annoying feeling. It can also distract you from business-related and personal events going on in your life.

If your eye twitches once in a while, you are probably OK. But constant twitching could mean serious issues concerning your health, such as problems with your nervous system, atherosclerosis, and injuries of the brain and blood vessels. However, it could simply be that you experience twitching eyelids because of bad eating habits or too much caffeine. We will look at more common causes of eyelid twitching in this article to help you figure out why yours are twitching and what you can do about it.

1. Stress

Stress is one of the biggest causes of eye twitching. Most of us experience stress almost every day, which can cause muscle agitation in the eyelid muscles to occur. The solution? Try taking a break when you can. If you can take off for a couple of days to just relax, go for it! Dwelling on your problems isn’t going to help, so try and find ways to stop yourself from thinking about them.

2. Fatigue

Fatigue is another common reason our eyelids twitch. When you aren’t getting the right amount of sleep, eye irritation can occur, affecting the muscles. This can lead to limb spasms and eye twitching. While it isn’t always possible, try to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep a night.

3. Dry eyes

Dry eyes can cause the eye muscles to twitch. Are you always on the computer, either for work or just messing around? The light from the computer reduces the number of natural lubricants in a person’s tears, leaving their eyes drier than normal. If you spend a lot of time online, take short breaks every 30 minutes or so. This will help your eyes stay lubricated and deter eye twitching.

4. Allergies

Allergies are another reason the eye muscles twitch. Allergies will irritate the eyes and can lead to eye twitching. You may also feel as though your eyes are dry and itchy when allergies strike. Talk to your doctor about the best over-the-counter or prescription medication for allergies.

5. Your diet

If your diet is lacking in water and vitamins, you may suffer from twitching eyes. Or, too much caffeine in your diet could be the culprit. When you have excessive amounts of caffeine in your system, your nerves may become over-stimulated and your eyes could twitch. Always drink the recommended amount of water for your body weight, eat a balanced diet, and avoid excessive amounts of caffeine.

You only have this life to live, so look after yourself and your body as best as you can! We want you to live a long and happy life!

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Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!