Felicity Huffman Has Feelings Of Guilt After Leaving Female Inmates Behind That She ‘Bonded With’

Nov 25, 2019 by apost team

Felicity Huffman is an actress who was sentenced to 11 days in federal prison in light of the ongoing college admissions scandal. As a result of this incarceration, Felicity has gained a new perspective about the women around the country who are living behind bars.

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Her prison term was very brief, but the actress is said to have made some friends while she was incarcerated according to Entertainment Tonight. She had a soft spot for the women because she felt like they had been cast away by society and forgotten. She developed a love for some of the women and developed a bond with them. When she was released, she had some feelings of guilt about leaving them behind.

As a result of her experience in the penitentiary, Huffman is making a change in priorities for the remainder of her life. She is planning on joining some community service programs to help women who have been released from jail so that they are better able to enter society once again, a source told Entertainment Tonight.


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She sees it as a life commitment that extends beyond her service hours with the program.

Huff is currently involved in an organization that helps girls who have been victims of human trafficking. The program is called "The Teen Project." She tutors the teens twice a week, and she has been involved in the program for about two years. The program has been very rewarding for her and her daughter who is also helping out in the effort.


According to Entertainment Tonight, Felicity found the conditions for women in federal prison to be difficult with no programs to help the women turn their lives around. Many people are looking forward to seeing what volunteer work that Felicity will undertake to help women who have been incarcerated.

It would reflect well on her character as it would be evidence of remorse over the wrongs that she was accused of in her own scandal. As she remains motivated to contribute to the betterment of her community, it will be evidence of positive change in her.

Do you admire the steps that Felicity is taking in light of her recent prison sentence and release? Let us know your thoughts, and be sure to pass this story along to your friends on social media.