Father Of Twins Faints When He Sees Pregnant Wife's Sonogram At The Doctor's Office

Nov 27, 2018 by apost team

If you've had a baby, then you know that seeing your little one on a sonogram is a highlight of the pregnancy experience. You get to see all of the details of the baby and have a chance to find out the gender. You can also find out if there's only one baby or if you're blessed with multiple babies at one time.

Robert and Nia Tolbert got married in 2014 after being together for about 10 years. Before getting married, the couple had a little boy who was three when they walked down the aisle. Nia was expecting twin boys when the couple got married. They talked about having a lot of kids but felt that they were complete as a family of five.


When the boys were just toddlers, Nia found out that she was expecting another baby. She went to her doctor to make sure the baby was healthy, and the nurse wanted to know if there were multiples on either side of the family.

During the ultrasound, the nurse told Nia that she was having twins again. After looking a bit closer, the nurse discovered that Nia was having triplets! There are multiples on both sides of the family, so it wasn't a big surprise. However, Nia didn't think that she would have triplets after just having twin boys!

When Nia talked to her doctor, she discovered that she has hyperovulation. This means that she releases more than one egg at a time, which makes it easier for twins or triplets to develop instead of just one baby.

What do you think of this incredible story? Would you welcome this blessing into your life if you were in their position? Let us know in the comments and show this article to your friends and family to see what they think!