Father Endures Hot Sun To Hand Out Resumes By The Roadside & Gets Hundreds Of Job Offers

Jun 20, 2023 by apost team

Having a job and career can come with challenges. For one man in Phoenix, Arizona, it came in the form of losing his job. In 2019, Patrick Hoagland was let go from his job as a forklift operator at a metal recycling company. Being the hard-working man he is, he quickly started to apply for as many jobs as he could. He applied online and in person to numerous positions but heard nothing. 

After hearing no responses from any job prospects, he decided to take matters into his own hands. Hoagland printed out 200 copies of his resume and took them to the street. It was 110 degrees Fahrenheit while he was passing out his resume on the side of the road. One woman named Melissa DiGianfilippo, who drove by and picked up one of his resumes, was so impressed with what she saw that she decided to try and help. She owned a PR and marketing agency and used her connections to spread the word. After posting the resume to her social media, thousands of messages from businesses, contractors and recruiters came flooding in for Hoagland. 

Her original post ended up getting thousands of re-shares and impressions. Hoagland ended up picking a job that would suit him and his family best. He picked a job offer with Flatline Concrete Grinding in the Phoenix area. After originally thinking standing on a street corner and passing out his resume was a silly idea, Hoagland is proud of his efforts to do what he needed to do to support himself and his family. 

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In an interview with CNN, the newly employed man shared, "I had only been unemployed a few weeks, but it was very unexpected and I needed to figure something out fast," he shared

He said he wondered if his idea was stupid or not. "I at first laughed and thought that was silly, but I kept thinking about it. I figured, why not?!” he said. “There are millions of people in Phoenix driving around, someone might hire me,” he added. He stood outside in the 110-degree Arizona weather and held a white sign that read, "Please take resume. Laid off. Looking for a job."

DiGianfilippo shared that she was impressed with his efforts outside in the extremely hot temperatures. "I was impressed with Patrick because it was 110 degrees outside and what I saw was really unexpected," she shared. "He was standing on the side of the road with a sign and a stack of resumes and a huge smile on his face," she said. 

That’s when she posted this to social media: “I was driving down Camelback Rd in Phx near my office and saw this guy on the side of the road with a smile in 110-degree heat, with a sign asking people to take his resume. I love that he was not asking for a handout, just for people to consider him for a job. #pleaseshare #job” Her post received over 370 retweets and over 1,500 likes on Twitter. 

Hoagland said this was unexpected but so appreciated. He told CNN: "She has been so great, she didn't need to help me, but she did and it has changed my life."


Would you stand out on the street to pass out your resume? We are very impressed with this man’s effort! If you found this article moving — send it to others too! 

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