Father-Daughter Duo Drives Around Donating RVs To Families That Lost Their Homes In Wildfires

Oct 06, 2021 by apost team

Over the last couple of years, wildfires, heatwaves and droughts have ravaged across several areas of the United States, impacting the lives of many families who to this day are still continuing to struggle from losing their homes and their belongings. Loss is never easy, and it can be devastating to have to evacuate your home for your own safety, knowing that you may never get to return. Despite so much destruction that comes from wildfires, there has recently been a beacon of hope taking over.

A father-daughter duo have recently become a source of light and positivity for many families that have lost their homes in devastating wildfires. Woody Faircloth and his 9-year-old daughter Luna have been spending much of their time driving across the west coast to deliver RVs to families in need. They have made a difference by showing true kindness to individuals they don’t even know all the while getting to spend quality time together. 

Their kind-hearted journeys have taken them thousands of miles up and down the west coast to burned towns and villages where they have been able to donate motorhomes to individuals that were left without a place to call home following the destructive path of wildfires.

Faircloth and Luna’s mission first started in late 2018. The dynamic duo have been extending a hand to families in need across the states of California, Oregon and Washington ever since, tugging at the heartstrings of people all across the world. Read on to find more about their generous mission.

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Starting Their Journey

During the week of Thanksgiving in 2018, Faircloth and his 9-year-old daughter embarked on their mission to help families who had lost everything they had in wildfires. According to AP, the father-daughter duo had been spending the holiday together at their home in Denver, Colorado, when they saw news footage of a man fleeing in an RV as a wildfire referred to as Camp Fire burned down his home in the state of California. The man explained that he was grateful that he still had a home — his RV.

This struck a chord with Faircloth and he knew he needed to do something to help as many people as he could that were just as impacted by wildfires and climate issues. Faircloth asked his daughter, “Why don’t we get an RV and drive it out there and give it to a family that lost their home?” Luna replied, “Aw, Dad, God and Santa Claus are gonna be proud of us.” They haven’t looked back since.

AP reported that within three days, the duo began their journey and left Denver in a $2,500 RV that Faircloth had found for sale online. They began posting about their mission on social media platforms and it quickly spread, resulting in people donating or offering Faircloth their own motorhomes for the father-daughter duo to give to families in need. 

They have since branded their selfless mission into a charitable, non-profit organization called EmergencyRV. According to their website, their mission is to provide “urgently needed shelter to first responders and victims of wildfires or other natural disasters.”


Giving Back To Those In Need

The father-daughter duo have shown nothing but kindness and generosity to plenty of families across the west coast and the respect has been given back. Faircloth told AP that he estimates about 5% to 10% of people who are given RVs return them once they are back on their feet, so the motorhomes can be given to other families in the future.

In September 2021, Faircloth and Lunda delivered their 95th RV to John Hunter, an assistant chief with the Indian Valley Fire Department in Greenville, California. His home had been destroyed in a wildfire, as well as his family’s business and the medical clinic where he was born, as per AP.

Although balancing work, home life and EmergencyRV is a challenge, Faircloth has continued to do his part to help those in need with his amazing daughter right by his side. “She inspires me every day,” Faircloth said, speaking with RVillage. He continued, “I know why Santa does what he does.” It’s clear that this family has gone above and beyond to help those in need, and their Instagram and Facebook pages are filled with kind-hearted messages and comments from people expressing their gratitude for Faircloth and Luna’s help.

According to AP, there are currently more than 100 families on EmergencyRV’s waitlist hoping to receive a motorhome. Anyone interested in helping the cause can donate their RV or money through EmergencyRV’s website. People in California can also volunteer their time to help with RV repair, RV transportation and shopping for household goods to stock in the RVs.

What do you think about this father-daughter duo? Were you surprised to hear how many RVs they’ve delivered so far? Let us know, and be sure to pass this along to your loved ones, too.

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