Father Bulldog Meets New Daughter For The First Time And Their Interaction Is Precious

Jun 10, 2020 by apost team

Dogs are amazing. They have incredibly big hearts. Their loyalty and work ethic has been a huge boon to humankind. In fact, dogs are so amazing that they have become symbols for us. Consider some of the famous college mascots, like Yale's Handsome Dan. Or the English bulldog, one of that nation's most famous symbols.

In a video from 2008, a rough-looking English bulldog named Chaucher meets his young daughter for the first time. The encounter is too adorable for words and has charmed people the world over!

A Sweet Introduction

English bulldogs are tough guys. They are stocky, built low to the ground, and have a tough, short snout. They're very able to take on much larger animals if they need to. However, they are also sweet, silly, and gentle dogs. Nowhere was this more evident than in the video of a papa dog meeting his little girl for the first time. She approaches slowly. Soon, she is sitting right on top of his paws and licking his face.


The daddy dog, Chaucer, doesn't react with shock or anger. He's happy to see his little girl and regards her with plenty of pride. After a minute or two, they are sniffing each other and playing together. At one point, she barks at him, and he's taken aback. From the look on his face, he's surprised his little girl is as tough as he is at such a young age. He briefly tries to assert himself, but then he gives in and relaxes.

A Relatable Scene

Over 13 million people have seen Chaucer meet his little girl thanks to YouTube. This short clip made a very big impression on people. Over 49,000 of them took the time to like it. One reason for that is simple. People identified with these funny little dogs. Chaucer's relationship with his daughter is a lot like that of some human dads with their young ones. New parents are often surprised that their babies already have such a strong personality. In Chaucer's behavior, many people saw a reflection of their own. At the same time, the love between dad and puppy is very sweet. This clip has just the right combination of warmth and humor to put a smile on anyone's face.

What do you think of Chaucer and his little girl? Let's talk about it together in the comments, then be sure to pass this on to any dog lovers you know!