Fast Food Employee Pauses Her Day To Help Feed Disabled Customer

Jul 19, 2019 by apost team

In this day and age of political unrest and bad news, we could all use something to make us smile. For Jessica Gomez of Corpus Christi, Texas, that happiness came in the form of a beautiful sight at a mall food court.

A young female worker at the Chick-fil-A in the La Palmera Mall food court took the time out of her busy day to sit down with a disabled elderly patron, cut up his food for him and assist him with eating his meal. Gomez saw the act of kindness and told KIII about it.

The man was eventually identified as Arturo Ramirez, a sweet human being who often navigates their city solo, but who loves to have a conversation with anyone who'll oblige. As for the young woman being hailed as a hero in her local community, her name is Ashley Guzman and she is 19 years old.

Arturo's brother told the press that they were grateful for Ashley's kind deed, and Ashley's boss is also impressed and told KIII "It tells us a lot about her, she has a really good heart, she loves to come to work every day." As for Ashley, she is on track to attending school where she one day wants to be a caregiver and help people in hospice care. It seems like she's an ideal candidate for the job.

We hope that this story inspires more people in the area to take the time to sit down and chat with Arturo should they ever encounter him. Remember, something that seems like such a minor gesture to you can make a world of difference to someone who's lonely or needs to chat.

For those outside of the Corpus Christi area, watch out for the Arturos in your life. They might need your kindness and company.

Have you ever seen a person take the time to be an ordinary hero to a person in need? Tell us below in the comments and show this story to anyone who could use a smile.