Farmer Finds Left-Behind Kitten On Road And Takes Him In Before Learning He's A Wild Cougar

Aug 18, 2020 by apost team

Elber Guzmán, a farmer, saw a cute kitty along the side of the road this year in Tolima, Columbia. It was small and unprotected. There was no mama kitty in sight. This man thought that this kitty looked abandoned. It could not fend for itself. It needed food. This is why he decided to rescue it. It turns out that the cat he rescued was no ordinary feline — it was a baby cougar!

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This started as a good deed. Guzmán was helping out an abandoned kitty that did not stand a chance in the elements. But nothing could have shocked Guzmán more than when he found out that this innocent kitty was actually a baby female cougar, as Inside Edition reports.

How Elber Guzman Found A Baby Cougar

Elber Guzmán is a farmer from the western province of Tolima, Columbia. According to KOLD News 13, he first saw the baby female cougar along the side of the highway. He instantly believed this sweet baby was abandoned.

He didn't think anything was unusual about this steel grey-colored kitten. Nor did he appear to notice that the paws were twice the size of the average kitty. This farmer may not have seen a kitty in a long time. He just knew that if this kitten remained along the side of the road, it could get into harm's way. Guzman didn't want anything to happen to this precious little feline. This is why he brought this cutie home.

Columbian Farmer Realizes Something Is Wrong

Turns out, this farmer was wrong about the kitten. This was no ordinary feline. This was a baby cougar. In the coming days after bringing the "kitty" home, Guzmán figured out something was off. Although he could hold the feline and she was gentle, there was something wild about her. This particular kitty was moving around in a way that was not normal for domesticated cats.

He began to do some research. He looked at photos of other feline kittens and realized that this abandoned feline was surely a cougar. He brought home a baby cougar from the wild.

This is when he made that call to Tolima’s environmental body, according to Inside Edition. A veterinarian personally came over to check on the farmer's claim. This was serious business.

Unlike domesticated cats who can grow up to weigh about 10 pounds, cougars can be several feet long, and weigh up to 200 pounds. They are hunters and eat deer and lizards, as Inside Edition reports. They are not the type of feline to cuddle on the couch. Cougars are common in South America. This subspecies can be found in Columbia. They are also roaming in Venezuela, Peru, and Brazil. Once she gets a bit older and is able to take care of herself in the wild, she will be released, as Inside Edition explains.

What do you think about having a cougar as a pet like Elber? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this along to all the cat lovers in your life!

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