Family Received 3 Carts Full Of Things From Firefighters, After They Lost Their Home And Everything To Fire

Nov 22, 2018 by apost team

When you think about the work that firefighters perform each day, you likely think of putting out house fires or helping someone who has been in an accident. A group of firefighters did something for a family who lost everything in the California wildfires that has touched others across the nation.

Jennifer Fuller lives in Butte County, an area that has been devastated by the fires in California. Unfortunately, her family lost their home and their belongings. They have been trying to get everything back together, but it's been a struggle. She went to the store one day to get a few items that she knew her family needed.

While Jennifer was at the store, she met four firemen. As she was walking down the aisle, she stopped to tell them thank you for fighting the fires in the county. One of the men asked if she had lost her home, and she replied that she had. The men told Jennifer that she was in luck because they were going to get her the things that her family needed.

The men ended up paying for about three carts of items for Jennifer's family as well as a few toys for her children. She was thankful for what the men did for her and knew that they didn't have to make the purchase when so many other people need help in the state as well.

Look at the smiles on the faces of Jennifer's children. Do you have other amazing stories about brave firemen who saved someone's day? Tell us in the comments. And pass this incredible story to your friends and family!