Family Posing For A Holiday Picture, Has No Clue Who The Girl Filling The Empty Spot Is Until She Turns

Nov 22, 2018 by apost team

College students sometimes aren't able to make it home for every holiday to spend time with family and friends. They might decide to spend time on campus or go off with their new friends instead of going home.

For parents and siblings, this can be a sad time because they look forward to the precious moments that they do have with their loved ones who have moved away from home.

Sheridan's parents decided to continue with their Thanksgiving traditions even though she told them that she wouldn't be able to be there for the family dinner. They saw the empty space at the table and were sad, but they continued to smile and enjoy being with other family members over the holiday.

As everyone arrived, they hugged each other and talked about recent events that had taken place. Delicious dishes lined the counters in the kitchen, and the table was beautifully decorated for dinner.

Soon after everyone gathered in the kitchen, someone asked them if they wanted to take a picture with their father. The mother and father stood in the middle while the children stood on each side. Sheridan wasn't there, but the parents put a smile on their faces for the picture.

While everyone is getting in place, someone in the background shouts that there is a person missing. A person quickly enters the room and sits in front of everyone else, but the parents don't notice what happened.

The mystery person was Sheridan!

Watch as her parents, and other family members give her hugs after seeing that she was able to get home for the holidays. Are you someone who is living away from your family? Send this to your friends and family and remind how much you miss them!