Family Of Black Bears Have A Pool Party In Backyard

Oct 02, 2019 by apost team

On a hot day, there's nothing more refreshing than taking a dip in the backyard pool. It seems that some black bears agree with that sentiment! One day the Basso family of Rockaway Township, New Jersey, found a family of black bears living it up and having a pool party in their swimming pool!

Captured in this unbelievable video, you can hear one of the Basso children shouting to let everyone know about the bears in the pool. You can see the hilarious antics of the five cubs and mother bear as they splashed around to their hearts' content. The pool party ended up lasting for around an hour!

Besides going for a swim in the pool, the adventurous cubs decided to explore the rest of the backyard in search of more thrills. They can be seen chewing on a flotation device and sliding on the kids' plastic slide as well. It looks like they're having a blast!

One part of the video, however, was a bit concerning to the Basso family. The mother bear started to play with an electric water pump. Mrs. Basso warned her not to do that, for fear she would get electrocuted. Thankfully, the bear was okay and quickly lost interest in the pump.

Mr. Basso wasn't so sure he liked the idea of bears having a party in the family pool. He was afraid that they were going to leave holes in it and ruin it accidentally with their big, sharp claws. His fears spread to one of his children, who verbalized a hope that the bears would leave and go swim in someone else's pool instead of theirs.

Overall, the Basso family enjoyed watching the antics of this furry family, though they weren't too thrilled about the prospect of having to lose buy new inflatable toys and possibly get a new pool!

Watch the video to see for yourself how this family of bears decided to cool off with a dip in a family's backyard pool!

What do you think about this family of bears unexpectedly showing up to play in the Basso family's pool? How would you have reacted if it were your pool the bears chose as their swimming hole? We would love to read your thoughts in the comments below. Pass this story along to your friends and family so they can have fun witnessing this unusual pool party too!