Family Celebrate Christmas Early For 11-Year-Old Son With Terminal Cancer

Oct 29, 2019 by apost team

An eleven-year-old boy named Oliver Brown, who has a rare form of blood cancer, may not survive to see this year's Christmas season. So his family decided to celebrate Christmas with him early this year.

Only four children out of a million are diagnosed with Myelodysplastic Syndrome. Due to his life-threatening illness, Oliver has already undergone difficult treatment rounds twice. His physician team recently told the family that there's nothing further to be done for the boy medically as far as a possible cure is concerned according to The Mirror.

Oliver loves Christmas. The thought of him missing out on this season was unbearable for him and his family. So they chose to make the most of the time the young boy has left by making sure he's able to enjoy plenty of fun and festivities.

They put out their Christmas lights, set up a Lego winter scene, and of course, put up a Christmas tree according to The Mirror. In fact, the family has two of them set up inside the house. Instead of a cut Christmas tree, they're using both a live tree and an artificial tree.

Other seasonal activities the family is engaging in early include viewing Christmas movies and listening to Christmas music. Oliver's parents, Mike and Nicky, don't want to leave any stone unturned when it comes to recreating the magic of the holidays for their boys. They don't mind that neighbors and passersby may wonder why their house is decked out for Christmas in October.

At eight-years-old Oliver's family found out the sad truth about his health condition. The boy was born deaf as the result of a genetic disorder. This same disorder led to the development of this rare cancer that is now on the verge of taking Oliver's life.

The community of Plymouth and the surrounding area have rallied around Oliver and his family. He regularly spends time with family, friends, and classmates. The Devon and Cornwall Police Department even made him an honorary police officer.

Instead of waiting until December 1 as they usually would to decorate and begin seasonal activities, Mike decided that moving the holiday up because of a situation that unfolded back in late summer. He noticed his son Oliver watching a recorded Arthur Christmas special.

When Mike told him watching the film so early in the year was "bad luck," his other son Benjamin soberly reminded him that the family had already faced plenty of "bad luck." This statement gave Mike the idea to get on board with an early Christmas celebration.

"He loves Christmas, so it's the right thing for us all," Mike said to Plymouth Live as per The Mirror. 

What do you think of this brave family's determination to enjoy what will likely be their last Christmas together early? Do you agree that this decision to include Oliver in their holiday celebration is a great way to spend their remaining days with their son? We'd love to read your reactions to this heartbreaking yet inspiring story in the comments below. Pass this article along to help raise awareness of all the kids and families out there who have to face cancer and other serious illnesses.