Experts Explain 5 Powerful Ways to Love Yourself

Jan 10, 2019 by apost team

We have all heard phrases that implore us to love ourselves before all else. Many theorize this is the key to many other things like building self-confidence and finding the love of another. But why is it so difficult for people to love themselves? Why is it difficult to accept the fact you are worthy of love?

You will need time, patience, and practice to become adept at loving yourself. The battle is ongoing and you may stumble from time to time. Many of the thoughts that nag you with doubt and self-loathing come from inside. But there are times the comments and actions of others can trigger these thoughts.

The most important thing to remember is you are deserving of self-love.

Therapist, Health Coach, And Personal Change Facilitator, Drew Costertalks about self-love in this article published in Psych Central.

 What Is Self-Love -  The process of loving oneself is both physical and mental. Many times it is necessary to put your own needs first in life. This is difficult to do if you do not believe you deserve it.

Why Self-Love Is Necessary - The lack of self-love can have an adverse effect on every aspect of your life. People who do not love themselves often continue on a downward spiral until relationships with friends and family begin to suffer. The absence of self-love can even lead to depression.

You do not have to be diagnosed with a mental or emotional disorder to experience these problems. Everyone has days when the thoughts in their heads or the actions of others devastate their emotions. But when these days begin to happen with frequency, it can mark the beginning of a dark and dangerous road. No one but yourself can rescue you from depression. It is important that you choose to do so sooner than later.

Practice Self-Care

An article of its own could be written about self-care. This act will affect so many aspects of your life it is vital you practice it mindfully. The root cause is always present when there is a lack of self-care: You do not think you are worthy of it.

These feelings of unworthiness can cause you to ignore basic human requirements like bathing, exercise, and eating healthy foods. Learning to care for your basic needs will bring happiness to your life once again. Many times we tell ourselves someone else has a greater need for our love and attention than we possess. This is often used as an excuse not to love and tend to ourselves. 

Here are some tips to love and care for yourself: Sofrygin
  • Eat healthy foods
  • Get plenty of sleep at night
  • Start or maintain an exercise routine
  • Take time to meditate
  • Practice good hygiene
  • Say no to things that compromise your love for self
  • Do something for yourself on a daily basis

Pen A Letter To Yourself

Sit down and pretend you are looking at yourself. Write a letter that highlights all the good things you see. Also, scribble down all the encouragement the person you see needs to hear. Seal the letter and put it in a place where it will be safe until you return for it. Read the letter later to remind yourself why you should always have compassion and love for yourself. This self-compassion will provide you with greater inner strength, emotional stability, and an increased ability to remain level-headed.

Make Time For A Heart To Heart With Yourself

Experts believe in the proven the ability of self-talks to reaffirm the value of anyone struggling with issues of self-worth. These talks can take place basically anywhere and can even be used as a preventive measure when no problem exists. You should take the time regularly to verbally reaffirm your positive traits and qualities.

You should also tell your inner critic to shut up.

Record Negative Thoughts In A Journal

Negative thoughts toward yourself can bring no benefit. This is true whether the thoughts originate within yourself or are instigated by someone else. You can take the bite out of these words by writing or recording the negative thoughts you have for yourself. Later, read these words to yourself.

Ask yourself if these are things you would say to other people. If not, why would you talk to yourself this way?

Use Loving-Kindness Meditation

Guided meditation can be used to defeat issues from the past that dominate your thoughts. This will also work for new thoughts and events. Meditation promotes positivity by training the person to live in the present. Breathing exercises and yoga can be added for a complete mind and body experience.

Your Thoughts

Have you ever been plagued by negative thoughts for yourself? Do you plan to try any of the techniques in the article? Send this article to the people in your circle. They will appreciate the information.