Everything You Need To Know About Panic Attacks

Jul 12, 2018 by apost team

If you've never had a panic attack before, you may feel like you're dying. Your heart could be skipping beats or racing and you can't get enough air into your body. Your mind is filled with worries and this terrible feeling could last as long as an hour. Panic attacks aren't fun, but they're more common than you might think. In fact, nearly 1 in 3 people will battle anxiety at some point in their lives.

Here are ways you can get yourself or a loved one through a panic attack.

1. Count


It sounds silly, but try counting backward from 100. It may take some time to work, but it will help distract your mind from the onslaught of anxious thoughts buzzing around your head.


2. Focus On Your Breathing


Instead of hyperventilating, focus all of your energy on telling your body what to do. Try to make your lungs inhale for 4 seconds through your nose then exhale through your mouth just as slowly. Keep focusing on slowing your body down back to your normal state.

3. Be Aware


Sometimes it feels like you're losing touch with reality. Maybe the room is spinning or your vision is blurring a bit. Panic attacks take quite the toll on your wellbeing! To combat this, try being more mindful of your surroundings. Focus on the feeling of wiggling your toes or study the colors and shapes of things nearby. Again, it's all about taking your mind away from dark places until you feel calmer.

4. Be Positive


This is a really tough thing to muster, but try your best to reassure yourself with positive thoughts. It may not feel like it, but there is always something to be grateful for. Think about how the weather was lovely that day or the stranger who smiled at you when you made eye contact. Tell yourself that you're a good person who is always trying their best.

5. Do Your Research


Panic attacks can be shrouded in lots of the unknown which makes them even scarier. The more you learn about what's going on in your body and mind, the more at peace you could feel about your anxiety.

6. Relax Your Muscles


After a panic attack, you may find that your body is sore because you've been clenching your muscles for a long time. To avoid this, focus your thoughts on one muscle at a time and telling it to relax the next time you have a panic attack. It's helpful to work from the top of your head all the way down to your feet.

7. Walk


If you're well enough physically, try getting some fresh air. Walks have innumerable health benefits for your mind and body. If you can't shake the negativity in your mind, getting your body moving can really revitalize you.

8. Grab Your Pet


Anyone with anxiety should really adopt a furry friend. Dog owners have been proven to live longer and happier than their pet-less counterparts. Owning a pet means you get outside more to walk them and you have a loving best friend around to comfort you at any time.

9. Talk

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Vocalizing your anxious thoughts can help you realize how silly they sound out loud. It's even more helpful to have a trusted friend or family member around to listen and assure you that everything is going to be okay.

10. Journal


Similarly to talking, writing has the same therapeutic effect. If you're not comfortable speaking about your feelings or you're having a hard time breathing, writing can really help release the negativity from your mind.

Which tip do you think is the most helpful for you? Make sure everyone you know has these tools to battle their panic attacks. Remember that you're never alone in your struggle and there are tons of people who would be happy to be in your support group.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!