ER Doctor Revives Stray Cat Who Was Injured By Hospital Revolving Door

Sep 25, 2019 by apost team

Who knows what would have happened to this cute stray cat if he didn't happen to get into an accident right outside of a hospital? It all happened in a Turkish hospital just a couple of months ago, and we are thrilled to say that the story has a happy ending.

The stray white cat was attempting to get into the Turkish hospital by darting through the revolving doors. Unfortunately, a man was on his way out of the building through the same doors at the time. He didn't see the cat as he walked through the revolving doors, resulting in the poor feline getting caught. The cat was stuck between the door jamb and the glass panel and was in pain

The man stopped as soon as he noticed the cat. However, it was too late- the cat's neck was caught right between the door and glass, chocking him. As he cried out in pain, the hospital staff stopped to figure out what the commotion was.

According to The Dodo, Halil Akyürek is an emergency room doctor at the hospital in Istanbul, Turkey. He rushed over to the cat after hearing the pitiful cries of pain. The cat was already having trouble breathing, so Akyürek grabbed the cat by the back of the head and was able to get him out of the door. But was it too late?

The doctor quickly began giving the cat CPR. He massaged the cat's heart while another staff member filmed it. Make sure to check out the amazing video below.

The doctor took the cat inside the hospital to give it some much-needed oxygen. Dr. Akyürek then contacted a local veterinarian to inquire about any medication he would need to get better. Luckily, the pretty white cat recovered rather quickly. Impressed with how fast the cat recovered, the staff decided to name him "Miracle."

The cat now has his forever home with Dr. Akyürek. That is a happy ending for sure! While it is sad that the cat had to deal with some pain, we are ultimately happy that he was able to get the home that he deserved.

What did you think of this dramatic rescue? Have you ever seen anyone save an animal with CPR? Let us know in the comments below. Pass this on to others on your page when you are done!