Elderly Woman Gives Dad And His Newborn Place To Stay After Airline Did Not Allow Them To Board Plane

Dec 18, 2019 by apost team

One father from Ohio found out first hand about the stresses of traveling with a child on an airplane. Rubin Swift was recently granted custody of his daughter, so he flew from Ohio to Arizona to pick her up.

When he arranged for the flight, he communicated with the airlines, ensuring he had the proper paperwork needed to bring the child back. Despite his efforts, the airline wouldn't let him and his child back on the airplane. He and his newborn would've been stuck in Phoenix if it weren't for the kindness of a nurse. 


According to ABC news, Swift asked for his money back, but the airline told him it would take seven days for a refund. The airline also told him that a child has to be at least 7 days old in order to fly on their planes. This left Swift and his daughter stranded in Arizona with no money, car, or place to stay.


Luckily, Joy Ringhofer came to their rescue. Joy was the baby's nurse during the child's first days of life. She bonded with the child before the father even met the baby. She invited Swift and his daughter to her home, where they stayed until they were able to fly back home.

Swift promised to stay in contact with Joy, even promising to bring the child back to see her sometime. The father and daughter were eventually able to fly back to Ohio to begin their life together.

Swift told Inside Edition:

"I didn't expect her to say, 'I'm coming to get you and take you home.' So, I'm thinking, 'She is going to drive me back to Cleveland?' But she actually brought me to her house, she's been feeding me and making sure my baby is alright"

Watch the story in the video below:

Everyone loves seeing acts of kindness between strangers. The story of Joy Ringhofer and Rubin Swift is sure to put a smile on all your friends' faces. Be sure to tell them about this heartwarming story. It could be exactly what they need to bring their spirits up.