Elderly Man Drops To One Knee And Proposes To Wife Of 63 Years All Over Again

Mar 11, 2019 by apost team

In our modern times, love isn’t always given the respect it deserves. With skyrocketing divorce rates and people breaking up over social media, it is no wonder that people look at love with a degree of cynicism today. Luckily, an Ohio couple is stepping up to show the world what it means to be truly in love.

Donna and Karl Von Schwarz have stayed together through thick and thin. High school sweethearts, the two married in 1956 and are now in their 80s. Donna and Karl are the most important thing to their granddaughter, Christina Von Schwarz of Heath, Texas, who frequently posts photos of the two to her social media accounts.

Every single one of Christina’s pictures features the two smiling and having a genuinely good time. Christina says that the two are inspiring because even after 63 years of marriage, they are still in love and have a relationship that is inspirational.


Donna and Karl’s love became even more important this year as Donna faced numerous health problems. The 85-year-old grandma endured several strokes, a brain bleed, and open-heart surgery all in the course of one year.

Doctors even warned that Donna might not live for very much longer. Christina says that Donna’s health scares have been incredibly harrowing for the family. Speaking with reporters, Christina says that she fears that every time she says goodbye to her beloved grandmother it will be the last time that she ever sees her.

Through it all, Karl has stoically remained by Donna side, a constant companion. Before her last surgery, Karl promised his beloved wife that if she pulled through, he would buy her a new engagement ring.

Donna held Karl to that promise, the two going to a store with Christina in tow to search for a new ring. Finding the perfect piece, Karl got down on one knee all over again, asking Donna to be his wife. Donna quickly accepted, with Karl putting the ring on her finger.

Christina shared video and pictures of the event on Twitter, a post which has been liked over 26,000 times. Her tweet even made national news outlets, who held the couple as a prime example of a loving marriage and successful relationship.

Through all the fame, Christina is just happy that her grandparents are getting the recognition they deserve for being amazing people.

What do you think of Donna and Karl’s story? Is there a couple in your life that you feel has a storybook marriage? Let us know in the comments and pass this story along to your friends and family!